
  1. R


    Okay guys, I'm new to making skins, but I have played around with milkshape for a little while. Is this a good program to use, or is there another prog that will do better? Also, if in tips/tutorials could be sent, that would be awesome. Thanks <img...
  2. R

    From the not so birght one

    Hey guys, I really appreciate the REALLY NICE things you posted about me. I really didn't mean to disturb your ways of the forum. It was just my first post and I was going to make some skins later on hopefully. Seriously guys, I feel its safe to say, "Would you like some more cheese with...
  3. 4xMega-Saiyajin

    Yes you are right

    Yes you are right i really want to know this. did you do some skins which you can show me?:fight:
  4. S

    Goku Head Reskin (W.I.P.)

    ooo... look at my pretty new skin, a modification of my old one with my new graphire tablet... ahhhh... anyway take a look...
  5. 4xMega-Saiyajin

    Can you show me some DBZ skins made by milkshape3d???

    I ever wanted to make my own skins so i downloadedmilkshape 3d but i don´t know how to create a model. Can you help me and can you show me some of your models made by milkshape 3d ????????? please. How did you do the nose and the eyes?
  6. Virtigo Seven

    Dragon Skins

    SHENLONG SKIN SHENLONG SKIN SHENLONG SKIN Look, the show is called "Dragon Ball Z/GT" correct? Then it would seem logical to have a Shenlong skin as well as a skin of the Namek dragon. Or am I just being dumb?
  7. B

    skin and model (son gohan and son gohan great sayanman))

    Sorry, i don´t difference betwen skin and model. said this i can say i have made the skins and the models of::: *vegeta gt, supervegeta gt, and vegeta ssj4 *trunk gt...
  8. S

    are all the models here gonna be remodeled?

    are all the models here gonna be remodeled coz they arent any good and the anims are really bad
  9. P

    kinda dumb question i guess

    all the evil and good skins out there, ummm..... theres only one .mdl in any player folder, like goku.mdl so how do i get it to have evil and good skins? u know what i mean? do i put the evil skin named evilgoku.mdl or something
  10. L

    Problems with some of the player skins showing up...

    Ok, i finally got the game workin under D3d mode. It's a bit of an annoyance to have to switch back and forth for ESF and CS, but i'll make do. Anyways, the NEW problem i'm having is with the player models not showing up correctly. For some characters such as Buu, Gohan, and Krillen, the model...
  11. OneWingedAngel

    hohoohoh FFVII Model plan need help!

    ok well i need a Tutorial for MilkShape3D V1.5.9 that covers absolutly EVERYTHING! i mean everything! but in english! not German or in anyother Language! i need this so i can learn to model really good! so i can make all the FFVII Characters! Hehhe that'd be fun please i need help! also can...
  12. A

    Professional Evil Skins

    here are my evil team skins, i tried to make them look professional tell me what u think
  13. Majin Dangeta

    Are there any Raditz skins?

    If there are then a link to where to get them would be a big help.
  14. S

    how do i get skins and models to work please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yo how do u get skins to work????????? and how do u get models to work as well??????? please can u give me a brife description to make them work or a step by step guidee would be greatly appreiciated!! peace out
  15. S

    help with the skins thing (must help me please!!!!!)

    yo how do u use a skin or a model in ESF plus anyone know where to get some good vegeta and trunks ones thanks alot peace out:shocked: :shocked:
  16. wAcK_Bardock

    Where the hell can i get new skins/models for esf??

    I need some web iteswhere i can get new models/skins and or maps for esf can some one help! thanks
  17. G


    i have a question, since i have no clue how to use milkshape, can you guys tell me any half-life modelling program (Moddelling not skinning) i have the model viewer but i need to know so i can fix up my gohan model and make it ssj2
  18. D

    Diff Between Models And Skins

    ok, obvioulsy many of you dont know the differnece between skins and models... well, a model is the actual thing, it is the actuall shape and style. the skin is what goes on the model. like the skin, the shirt, the pants, etc.... ex: -[gF]- Super 17 said "I have a Gohan Model", when all he...
  19. Guerilla

    All the pics of my skins:

    that skin is my evil vegeta which replaces the not-done model that is the not-done model/skin good on the left, evil on the right and here are the other skins for the evil team: and lastly, my 1337 DoD scores after 1 hour of play
  20. D

    Skinning to the fullest!

    Hey if any one (hopefully) in Esf or anyother part would like me to do some skinning jobs on models i offer my help. I cant model but if you were to make a model and show the designated places were a skins art should go i can do it. Let me know just offerin'
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