
  1. VivaLaPineapple

    another armored core image

    i really wouldnt call this a wallpaper because it doesnt even remotely resemble one so ill just say its an image its supposed to be the perspective of another ac. if i wanted to be super fancy id take like months to design a ****pit but im just a little to lazy at the moment too so what u...
  2. B

    photoshop prob

    ehm, sicne yesterday my paintbrush/pencil tools are ****ed, for example, when i choose a 2 pixel brush and i draw there wont be a line, and when i use a bigger brush (10 or something) then it draws a 2 pixel line, its weird and *** and i would like to know how to get rid of it (its photoshop 6.0)
  3. M


    Ok, on esf_city, there are good road/building textures that i wanna use. i cant find them. what are they called when u add the esf.wad to valve hammer? >.<
  4. G

    My First Wallpaper

    This is my first wallpaper. Since this is my first I wanted to start out unique so I picked Bubble Gum Crisis. I have been working on this wallpaper for over a month because I had never done one before. *I HAD HELP!* Crits?
  5. SaiyanPrideXIX

    Map Skybox Vision Bug

    Alright...here's a thought. When the beta first came out, in the main forum, someone made a post to the team about how to fix this very annoying problem with the skybox. I only say this because I noticed "skybox fix" or anything of the sort isn't in the beta 1 outline.... But you know...
  6. MaX

    I think u shoudl get rid of scouter..

    its so cheap theres no way to hide when somone melee spams u or anything. and its to easy to find dbs. and its funner without it. cause when ya got all ssjs in esf. ya wil think they have only about ssj1 pl then Boom ssj3 baby..
  7. C

    Get Rid Of Random!

    Hey! read before you vote! First of all...why is there a random? what does it do? Who uses it(Other than noobs)? Why is it ramdom guys dont get any ki when they die? ok i think you guys at esf should get rid of random...or fix it where it works right... AND! if you get rid of random...
  8. S

    Get rid of Krillin

    You should definatly get rid of Krillin as a character. Not only is he a failure at life, but he is the worst fighter ever. You should replace him with Tien or Bardock. Krillin doesn't even have a real power up thing, he is just a plain old loser.
  9. F

    Get Rid Of Rosat!!!

    No Offense if the guy who made this map reads this. But rosat is the worst map to be made. Yet it is played on every dam server. i never play on normal servers because rosat is always played, and when the map changes 2 mins later its loaded back up. It has more bugs than god knows...
  10. L

    Some questions about beta 1

    Hi... don't think this is some kind of n00b-post... it isn't (so do I hope ;) ) I've just tested the beta 1 and I love this mod. Cause I'm mapping since 3 years, I thought why not make a map for esf ? The first striking thing I found ist that the player size is really small (about 16...
  11. Zealous

    Get rid of the kiblob!

    I really think we could do without the kiblob. It seems as if the pattern is almost the same in every server. a.) Somebody melees you do the ground. b.) They fire the little ki blasts and kiblob you while you're getting up. It's very annoying really. Maybe to counteract for the kiblob...
  12. Jonka

    I need opinion on sig

    Sorry to bother you guys but I keep messin with my sig and I dont know which has better background and should i just take the middle vegeta off? Help plz....:(
  13. suicidal_maniac

    A new sig I made.

    I just finished a new sig. I was gonna give it to anyone who wanted it but first I want to get out any flaws so I need some opinions.
  14. T

    how do you play as ssj3 goku model

    how do you play as the goku ssj3 model
  15. A


    I think they should improve "Esf_Icelake" or just get rid of it cause it really sux at the moment but it would need a lot of improving to be good. But hey that's just my opinion :]
  16. P

    Get rid of it!!!

    well I, for one, im sick of it, i know u will all think im crazy, but alot of people SPIN BEING THE MAIN ONE (sorry but its true) yell at you for "spamming to get post count up" in any topics where u can get your count up, so i saw remove where it shows your post count, I would not mind, im sure...
  17. S


    tHE MP3 PLAYER MESSED MY ESF AND A LOT OF PEOPLE I KNOw, I donT even think anyone uses the mp3 player, the music is bad anyway
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