
  1. S

    Skater wh@cks himself to pictures of dogs!

    What a sick weirdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;(
  2. P

    Made a simple Map

    Hello, I made a very simple Map :) But it is also great ;) you can destroy some parts of the battlefield. and the sky gives you the dbz feel *hrhr* please give me a feedback *g* So, check it out : cYa PayJay ;)
  3. X

    DBZ pictures

  4. S

    Bad guy from NG - CG

    here you go, its a lil more than just a bunch o villians in 1 :D The aura i did a lil quickly cuz i cant be arsed to do ne more....
  5. S

    New picture('s) of Gokan

    here's two versions of a gokan picture, which 1 is best? any coments?
  6. M

    Dragon Model

    Well in esf you have tons of models for everyone but there none for The Dragon its needs a good model Like Porunga or maybe the Black Star Dragonball Dragon a Porunga would be awesome heres some reference pictures i hope someone will make one Here some pictures or Porunga And...
  7. TehMuffinMan

    a little addition for the sonic pack

    mwhaha... ive made these about 2 months ago but could not compile them, but latly i found a way around that and it works ^_^ amaze youself with these nifty chaos emeralds! theres a bigger pic on RS... there uploaded on RS HERE! not much. but there ok :]
  8. -Dark Shadow-


    uhh i searched alot but i can't find any good pics of Link from Zelda. Does anyone know any pics or sites with pics on which include Link. Thx!
  9. OubliezJe


    Umm. how do i put a picture ive made on the post that ive made??
  10. GoldSaiyan

    Ki pictures, fake or real? Woah, this guy must be obsessed with DBZ. These pictures is likely fake and edited, his imagination and bragging about Ki is just as fake as his pictures are. What do you guys think?
  11. Epedemic_Optikz

    Model Request

    ok I know there is a final request thread but.... its crowded and not much modellers look at it... :] (sorry) Can Someone Make a Legatos model ??? Thanx for whoever does it and if you don't know who Legatos is,Look at my sig and avatar or just look him up or sumthin. Ty. :] EDIT...

    map host

    Need a host for my map. :notice: If someone can host it, please tell me. :notice: Or does someone know websites where I can host my map?
  13. E

    New Layout, Feedback please

    layout Feedback hey fellas, Im working on a layout for a client, and I was wondering if you could gimme some feedback. Thanks.
  14. G

    A Story (with pictures)

    Once upon a time there was a vampire named Jojo. He had a clone named Mini Jojo too. Jojo had a unique power to turn into a ball, and MiniJojo could turn into a girl. One day Jojo's transformation messed up, and he turned into a giant flower. I'll double post....
  15. Cheeseman

    Important Modelling News!

    From this point onwards, people posting modelling threads based on their projects will be required to supply images of their work. Failure to do so will result in removal of aforementioned threads and warnings being distributed to repeat offenders. You may think this sounds harsh, but until...
  16. S

    Fantasy Arena 2 - Rivalry Of Legends - Lots of Pictures

    Hi here are a set of screens of my new map for my quake3 mod. The maps about 10% complete but heres some of the progress so far !
  17. Mr.Bugskin

    Black Suit Gohan RESKIN!!!

    Go to my Site under my sig and u'll see the black suit gohan and please don't hot link the pics
  18. sexyasian86

    Selection Pictures for Models

    got bored so i made new picture selection for new models i have. if u want me to make one for you, i will, maybe.. so if u want me to make one like the ones i made above, let me know. currently working on choutsu model. peace
  19. I

    Some help please?

    I was wondering if someone knew of a place were I could find some DBZ character reference pictures for modeling? like with arms outstretched and all? Thanks for your help -
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