
  1. M

    Modelling help

    Im so utterly comfused by this modelling lark. I have decompiled a model and import the ssjtrunks.smd. Is this the model i need to edit to change everything or do i have to edit every single model. Also when i use HL Model Viewer to see if my changes have worked it doesnt seem to have done so...
  2. S

    starting a good dbz model

    well i just thought that for the sake of the n00b modelers (like myself) there could be made a post were the best modelers tell were to start off a model or were to find good sites to start you modelin career
  3. |Da|K|

    my sigs tell me...

    hello here are some of my sigs over the weeks that i made..... sorry cant show you my homepage of sig then you see all my futre ones :D :talk:
  4. NeLo

    SSJ6 Goku

    Logan if ya could make a SSJ 6 Goku. The pic is in the one u set up for us when u made the ssj5 goku. http://members.fortunecity.com/jyce1/id15.htm Cuz id really think that would look awsome with my 10x Kamehameha! So if ya would create this model for meh plz :D Btw if Logan cant do it...
  5. A

    Ever been called a disker n00b?

    Ok, the first time i played esf, i played as frieza and used the disk... i killed 3 people in short order (I love when they stand in lines) and then i get called a disker n00b... I hate that... Its part of the game, fools, learn how to use it. Sometimes the frieza disk can save you, or...
  6. Rebirah

    Milkshape tutorials

    Please I just got milkshape and I dont get how to model... I need some tutorials... Im the biggest n00b in modeling :)
  7. K


    How do i switch models i go into my esf folder then model then player then i took ou ssj goku mdl the put in ssj3 goku mdl but when i transformed i went to normal sayin not ssj or ssj3 PLEASE HELP
  8. R

    ur mod

    yo let m tell u like this ur mod needs held its hot in the face:yes: but when it comes to the body it got to go his legs are bigger than his body almost so u need to go back to the lab with a pen and a pad ;( sorry:no: but u can stick to makeing faces that is more ur style ight ;/ :no: yockO_O...
  9. owa

    n00b Bassest.

    Hey, I got a Bass for Christmas, and I have a few questions. My gear is this: Vanatge model VKB-11/BGS with a 30 Watt Univox Amp with Dunlop picks. Is this good for a beginner? also does any experianced bassest know of way I can make my sound, sound better?
  10. Mistery X

    SSJ2 gohan, finaly skinned

    check it out guys... the model is finaly skinned thanks to Raven Blade a.k.a. Halcyon, and its the final skin now all there is left to do is put the animations on him and we've got to find a capable animator to do that.. ^_^ ne way enjoy the eye candy OH btw its not for ESF, we are...
  11. S

    im THE n00b at modeling and i need...

    ...a good tutorial that explains everything. i tried to model with the milkshape (or whatever) tut but i got stuck ing the 6th page... (told u i was a n00b). so i would really appriciate it if u would give me a good tut that explains how to do everything and not just say "change the transparansy...
  12. T

    somebody should make ssj3 vegeta (pic inside)

    I know its fake but its pretty cool, somebody should make it.. especially azn or mr smo.
  13. W

    How do u install ESF? n00b

    can someone give me the step by step please
  14. SSj Goten

    Can Someone Please Make Me a Model Of Goten?

    Can Some One Make Me A Goten Model Both SSj and Normal form.....Goten is My Fav Character Because Hes Funny......If You Can Make Me Chibi Trunks and SSj Chibi Trunks id be Thankful To you;D .......THANK YOU IF U MAKE ME THE MODELS ID TRY AND REPAY YOU GREATLY....:yes:
  15. S

    Super n00b

    Ok I downloaded the program, but being the computer illeterate person I am, I don't know how to run it. Can somebody please explain this to me. Thanks.
  16. B

    model n00b

    Hey im a model n00b and im working with milkshape 3d :D and ehm how i open a esf model in milkshape so i can try some stuff on those models.
  17. Bangoth

    hmm.....(oh yes another n00b comment)

    This is a dbz mod and it has characters from all the sagas right....so WHY NO Nappa or Raditz from the saijin saga(if you say well they suck just remember what it took to kill em and going off that logic Freiza would also suck becuse of the pl during Cell saga and Cell suck cuz of the pl of the...
  18. I

    n00b question

    lo.. i downloaded the beta, installed it in my halflife (without patches or somehting, just the pure old one) map, but i couldn't find the .exe for ESF :( So my thought was.. maybe i can start it via H-L, but no :( how can i play the game? where is the exe? it maybe is a newbie...
  19. H

    Not too sure if its art or not...

    its more boredom than art.. ive just always liked ssj transformations in dbz and well esf sure as hell captured that just right.. twas inspired or something.. lol :rolleyes:
  20. F

    n00b Dragon Question.....HELP!

    Immotality, Strength, Friendship i obviously know what Immotality, Strength mean and do but what does Friendship do?
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