
  1. owa


    Hey, I made a new sig, I was trying somthing with Blending sense I heard how in one of Spits or Judges posts... forget which person but anyways. I might use it... Please vote and give me some Crits or comments.
  2. S

    I want a sig plz

    i want that the picture will be SSJ Goku
  3. A

    Picolo with cape

    Hi its my second model but it wont work Ill cant create a .mdl file milkshape always says found vertex without bone assigment ..... a good modler Please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. S

    Sig, By SwordMaster

    anyways devers closed my last thread because i add'et it in offtopic, well at the text to off-topic it says: "Off-Topic Come here to talk about anything NOT related to Earth's Special Forces. This is where you can test your sigs, and do other miscellaneous things." doesent that mean that...
  5. DaKD

    Gogeta preview

    here my gogeta preview\javkrd20\Image6.jpg
  6. TwisteR

    Model Request

    i was wondering could somebody make a piccolo with an animated cape? i just want to know if anybody will at least try it.
  7. M

    Opinon poll: which model needs tweaking?

    Which model in your opinion needs to be tweaked or replaced? For me its Cell form 2 he's too skinny(gotta look more buff), abit too short & i'm sure his knee's knock together when he runs. No disrespect to the team modeler(s) but compared to the other character models, Cell's second...
  8. C

    About putting new mdoels in ESF

    I was wondering,if it was possible to put models for ESF ingame,competelly new models,with new animations etc.. Thanx for answering
  9. E

    Another drawing... me again :p You know the drill ;) (Critic/comments/flame/etc.)
  10. S


    Hey ya'll,im still kinda new to dbz so please dont hurt me I was just wondering if any of the androids were ginna be in the beta,especially 16(the big dude with orange hair and green suite),becouse he is one of my fav characters,and i would luv playing as him.Please be nice if this stuff has...
  11. Synth

    Hwoarang's Magneto

    as you can see im not done with it, just thought i'd share some of my current artwork with you enjoy ;)
  12. S

    video traing for future 3d artists

    guys just out.... . At this guy supplies free video tutorials on how to work things from 3d studio max, php maya u name it. Well the big news is unreal tutorial is out...... and it shows u how to model, skin and so on using 3d studio max 5. All u have to do is register and u get ure...
  13. M

    Why not

    Hmm i thought i might post my newest models here... there not for dmz there for sr (yet another dbz mod) umm and yeh... I might have posted these before i dunno but anyway. Ssj4 Goku Ssj4 Vegeta Ussj Trunks Bebi Vegeta Lii Shenlong W.I.P Black Star...
  14. Naz


    Hiya I made a new wallpaper, I hope ya enjoy it small version here grtz NSA
  15. Ryoko

    Yet another Ryoko wallpaper (800 x 600)

    Well, heres another one from me! Tell me your opinions on it. If you are getting bored of my work, don't comment.
  16. VivaLaPineapple

    need some advice(layout)

    im stuck what else should i do with this
  17. Ranma

    Are some maps the same in beta?

    Sorry if this has been asked/told, but will any of the maps in alpha be in beta, or are you making new ones. Also if they'll be some old ones, will they be changed to look better when transfering over to beta? I know your making new maps for beta (right?) but i'm just seeing if the old ones...
  18. L

    WallPaper People

    For all your ESF junkies have to much time. Just wondering if people can make some DBZ wall papers. Be nice to have an assortment here. Im tried of looking at my yellow dbz wallpaper too :p. Anyone with time please post some pics :)
  19. V3g3t@

    saiba men

    i think its fun to put saiba men in the game so you dont have to fight the players al the time
  20. Synth

    Custom Character.....

    heres a character that came to me in an instance...... im gonna try and model her with milkshape 3D, wish me luck :cool: BIO name: MokuSei normal pl: 500,000 age: 18 height: 5 ft 4 inches weight: 115 hair: white eyes: white skin: green planet:KaSei(race destroyed by Furiza)...
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