
  1. Escobar

    My First Web Attempt

    Like the title says... its still WIP (specially tha main banner) , im also thinking of getting rid of dose affects on d side's but tell me wot joo fink... http://www.modded.net/~ef/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=5276
  2. Z

    quake 3

    i need mapping tutorails for q3 and modling tutorails for q3 who can help me out ?
  3. Q

    Video logos

    This is a logo that I made for myself that is put into videos that I help with. Usually I just do some odd 3D work like make a title or something but atleast this gives me a way to pimp the **** i do Check it out here (2.5mb) http://home.cogeco.ca/~pkeen/logo.avi and for anyone that is...
  4. GotenksOwnz

    Some1 help me with photoshop plz :D

    I have been useing paintshop pro but peeps say photoshop was better so i *aqquired* it but its all new and i get lost. So wat i want to know is.. 1. Wat do i click to get a good backround patten on a new layer. 2. How do i add my pic to the backround. 3. Any web sites which could help. 4...
  5. S

    I'm sorry, but If you used my Sig hosting service, they have been lost

    yes... my horrible host has suspended my site for a stupid reason which i dont want to explain. anyway, if your sig was on www.modstrike.com/sigs , then it is gone, and the uploader is gone too. BUT! my new site should be up tommorow or day after, and I will once again put up the sig...
  6. TimTheEnchantor

    Quick announcement..., looking for your help

    Alright, I'm going to try something new... Issue.02 on my site is going to be coming up within the next month....this issue will be user oriented..your ideas...your works etc ... can all be hosted on the website to display...(no hosting of images allowed, too much bandwidth). The issue will...
  7. DaKD


    Ok ive seen how the old radditz ptoject failed so i wanted to make it for the people that seemed to want it and also cuz i think itd be koo so tell me if u guys want it
  8. MaX

    esf_buu screens

    i had to reinstall me puter so i lost the buu map.. but im into modeling and animations so pay atttention there. looks for thread in models/skins called. 1stanimations on my 1st model. :D screen are deleted.. Sooooorrryyyyyy......
  9. S

    correct me if im wrong but...

    isnt this a esf forum? cause from the title, the link and lits more i dont c anything that applys that this is a dmz forum 2. then y do ppl post models of dmz here? or any other mods...
  10. N

    Lost @_@

    OK i hope u guys can help me cuz i have ben tryin to d/l this game for the past month or so.. i read that u need to have halflife ok so i d/l it an when i goto in stall it it says that its for english version only an i use the ENGLISH VERSIOn grrrrrr im gettin pissed can u guys tell me...
  11. X

    Request for a freiza model replacement

    I aint saying to DO IT or im not demanding anything. I cant model myself. But if someone would be as of so kind to make two zarbon models? I would prefer it any time over freiza. And come to think of it Zarbon was pretty much a cool villian. cept I almost lost interest when he turned into a...
  12. C


    sry sry sry I pressed bew thread instead of reply
  13. A

    Lost and Confused

    I just installed the bots from the main page, which work fine, I also had to get my console which works fine, but I'm stuck with this.. I don't know how to make it go away, it also blocks out the console when I bring it down. What do I need to do?
  14. E

    Vegita + Trunks

    Can some one make this model? It a Challege for other modeler with out looking a picture of it body s hahahahah Hint has same clothes as sjj4+5 but differnt color
  15. M

    ssj goku

    who can sendt me the origenel ssj goku skin cuz i lost it my e-mail adres is [email protected] (sorry for my bad english)
  16. |Da|K|

    Hello can you guys help me...

    ok can some one plz tell me how u make them look sooo good like the battel damaged vegeta how do u make it look so real and stuff thx.. :devil:
  17. MONXver2.0

    I've lost my beans

    I've been up and down every map and haven't seen one bean or bag o_o . I mean I know you should hid the beans in a good spot but common, I've talked to ten people and not one has seen a bean in game. So could ya help us out here and tell us where the beans are?:)
  18. suicidal_maniac

    My first WP in a long time!!!

    Well, its been a while since I made a WP so I decided to try it again. Its still a WIP, since I know it needs something Ijust cant figure out what..... Anyway, here it is Overwhelming WIP *edit* Hmm.... I guess I sacrificed to much quality for size, so just imagine the same thing in...
  19. Phobius

    WP Contest Voting

    Wallpaper Contest. I've decided too do some artwork contests. For the first week it will be a wallpaper contest, then we will do some scanned art image contests and go from there. Their are some rules I wanted to go over before we start this. All images need to be posted by Sunday, Septemeber...
  20. M

    5 ideas + many lost brain cells

    First I'd like to introduce myself. I am C3P0, human cyborg. :) Well no not really, I do have a P4!!! if that counts :fight: . Here are my ideas, for this AWESOME game. TO make it AWESOMER (dont know if thats a word) 1- I would really REALLY like to see third even fourth... power balls...
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