
  1. T

    How do i make my games into diffent mode`s

    How do i make my games into diffent mode`s, i mean like set up a game of Capture the dragon balls or the other modes.
  2. D

    Lan games arent working

    When ever i make a Lan game the other computers on the Network dont see the lan game and this is only for half life i make one for quake 3 and it works what is wrong ?? is there anything i should check to see if something off ?
  3. O

    Cell Games, ESF-Style

    (Boredom made me wonder what it'd be like if Dragonball Z was based on ESF, rather than the other way around. This is what happens when you have too much spare time on your hands.) --- The CELL GAMES Announcer: damn this server has been empty a long time Announcer: who will fite cell...
  4. S

    about lan games!

    about lan games! when i want fast in esf and check some things , do you know how to collect power if you are alone?
  5. TehMuffinMan

    a little addition for the sonic pack

    mwhaha... ive made these about 2 months ago but could not compile them, but latly i found a way around that and it works ^_^ amaze youself with these nifty chaos emeralds! theres a bigger pic on RS... there uploaded on RS HERE! not much. but there ok :]
  6. Skyrider

    Space games!

    yep.. if someone knows freelancer. i really need games that looks like freelancer.. space ship shooting games. and i dont want to pay for them :P so i mean buyable in shops. and playable online! if you can. give me the name of the game and some links.. thank allot. -Skyrider-
  7. L

    Problems with creating games

    Whenever i try to create a game, i press create do all the settings like game map and so on and then when i'm loading into my game and trying to connect to it, the screen becomes all mess up and I can not get into the game nor can anyone else. I think its something with the video settings but...
  8. S

    I cant find the ESF mod on the Half Life Custom games

    ESF is on the mod list sometimes but now its disappeared. Plz can someone help me!!!
  9. D

    how can i play the team games

    me pc say that i most a new update version fore earth special forces can it on the site
  10. M

    Map: Kami's lookout/ROSAT ( picture inside )

    Hello people, let me show me some progress about the room of spirit and time / Kami map. crits, ideas, comments are always welcome ! Greets , and take care :yes:
  11. F

    ERRORS ???? with joining games

    I am joining games and it say your system thingy has been modified u cant play on this server cause of this modification code[16]
  12. E

    Other DBZ games

    Hi there everybody, Can you tell me about other good PC DBZ games/mods you know? I'll appreciate it very much.
  13. T

    Error when Joining/Making Games ANSWER ASAP PLZ

    I am getting the error that says cannot find Library/etc.../CL_DLLS/CLIENT.DLL does anyone know how to fix this ? plz answer asap!
  14. Demi-Shadow

    Link Model!!

    Ok, it's more of a pack.. but still. I'm making a Link pack to replace Trunks for v1.1, The pack will consist of: A child Link model/skin An adult Link model/skin for the transformation New sounds A shield for the block animation (un-confirmed) New sprites (like bombs and boomerang)...
  15. SSjGohan12345

    I need help with net games

    I cant find esf games plz tell me how to
  16. K


    hi guys, i´ve got a problem with compiling maps in my hammer editor. When the Editor runs esf it says "error TrackerUll.dll invalid not loading". Because of that the map does always restart after choosing a character. I´ve got no TrackerUll.dll on my system, where can I get one? Or do I not...
  17. Cheeto101

    Question about FB sprite

    Hmm just a question, but is it possible to make trunk's FB sprite look any thing kinda like a mini spirit bomb (i mean not exactly like, itd be blue and have the kinda tail effect thing). Play any of the snes games with the fb to figure out what im talking about. I have no experience with...
  18. I


    New Maps
  19. S

    Making Models/Skins

    I'm new to ESF and these forums. I've been interested in game design and character creation for a while now and I was wondering if anyone could post a site where it will teach you how to make skins and such for this and other games. Also, which programs I would need. Thanks a bunch!
  20. Optional


    hey, im Optional of TriForce mod (www.heyiwasjustsayinwhereiwasfrom><.net) im working on a map called trif_ocean, ontop of the sand will be water... dont say anything about R_SPEEDS cause its under 800 when looking at whole map :P
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