
  1. Wangster

    second wp ( not 3d)

    i just made a wp, i know that the right side is stil empty, can someone tell me with wath to fill it op?? any crits? thnx! edit: srry pic is availeble now ;)
  2. Marauder


    practicing brushing on a render i made, and it came out nice, so i added a old pic i dug up from one of my earlier wp's :D
  3. steve-o

    DBLB map release

    DragonBall : Lastbout Map release a mod for unrealtournament 2003.. go cheak out the map we have released. The DBLB team have decided to give you all a map for your easter present to play around with.. Hope you enjoy it and any tip's for the map will be looked forward to.. We are going to use...

    My, lets say. . . . . first map

    Tell me what you think. <font face="verdana" size="1" color="red"><b>http://idump.resistance-resonator.com/view.php?x=803</b><br><br></font> :notice: But theres a problem and I can't play on it, Hammer crashes when i want to compile. I only changed the sky to func_wall -> move to...
  5. E

    CS Vegeta, Paikuhan, PT Gohan and Tien....

    just a few newish models alot of them are old just i revamped them and finished them off, gohan is new tho gohan is for SOS, the rest are for EF Pre-Teen Gohan http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~sos/forum/attachment.php?s=&postid=31237...
  6. M

    Finaly some awesome Buu models check them out

    Here are the best Buu models ive seen here are some pictures This is the Buu pack And this is the Buu(Gohan) Model Here download them
  7. G

    Ned's Vegito Model

    This can be spam and i'd like this to be Q&A CLOSED but i wanna know: What's the deal on the Ned Art Vegito model?? You can't download it anywhere, but its soooooo great. Don't flame me i want awsers only not flames telling me i'm stupid for asking.
  8. T

    Simple stuff

    I need help i cant even find the simple stuff like drawing lines Makin boarders with a huge arror apeearing PLEASE HELP!
  9. Mr.Bugskin


    Would someone like to compile this model cuz this model owNZ! In BFP and got it at neds site http://www.ned-art.com/BFP-Tempus.pk3 I mean to compile it for ESF please
  10. G

    cell saga gohan

    u guys like if anyone says if thats for esf im gonna make chesscumba ban ya :D if u like it join our forums lol sr.flagrun.net :) im gonna be the lucky ***** to skin it
  11. S

    Screenshots & Images Hosting - Free

    Hey Guys, I have my own company, the server that holds the web-site can hold an unlimited amount of MB's, so if you have a hard time finding web-space to put on your screenshots and model images, I'd be glad to help you guys out... WHY ? Cause everytime someone is presenting a new good model...
  12. sexyasian86

    Neo Gohan

    was going through websites and i came across a "Neo Gohan" it is obviously an edit of Azn Dragon's Mystic Gohan but it has nice skin edits and animations are the same. sorry, i forgot the site to this model/skin so you want it IM me on AIM at : sky zero xtc peace outs
  13. Black Saiyan


    its a pieace off crap it keeps crashing when i gotto complie why the peace off crap i feel like throwing it out the window can any1 help
  14. Death The Jedi


    Here is a model of Pikkon that I tried to compile for this guy... but Milkshape won't let me compile it, anyone know why? well, here's the pic: **NOTE** I didn't make this model, I don't know who did, but I just thought I'd show you guys it.
  15. Skinnerfool

    Questions About Models

    In this thread, you may ask a question about models(And please the mods make this stiky please)
  16. T

    TheWasp Wallpaper Thread

    Ok This is my first time EVER making wallpapers, So bare that in mind when you comment about my work (Please be gentle :)).Go here to check out the wallpaper. Critz and Comments Please. Thanks. P.S. I made it to be used on my desktop. ;)
  17. A

    Bomber Man!!

    I was wondering if someone could make a bomber man model, then I coould skin, or some one else, or maybe even the person that made teh model. We can make it replace GOhan and maybe get Shijing to make some sprites.
  18. S

    freiza for skinning

    any one want to skin my freeza? its the form four frieza. please don't be to hard on me im new at this. credits to me and bfp model nad orig frieza
  19. F

    light aura?

    CAn someone answer this question plz it is possible to have light when you charge or use boost , you know in the show even in the dark we see them when they are ssj ( because when you throw a kame or a beam there light around them)
  20. S

    golden oozaro

    heres a golden oozaro i threw together in about 10 minutes its not done yet. please don't be to harsh it was hard to put together and make. credits to orig. bfp oozaro maker. i'll update later.
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