1. A

    UPDATE: Maps 2011 *video*

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzhoiUsPmeQ&feature=player_embedded' First? Nice maps, very nice colors, it will be a real joy for the eyes when the map changes each time .
  2. hleV

    VOTE FOR ESF! Mod of the Year 2011

    VOTE FOR ESF! Mod of the Year 2011: Phase 2 It's time for the Mod of the Year 2011! Phase 2 is up, and ESF has made it to the top 100! Open http://www.moddb.com/events/2011-mod-of-the-year-awards/top100. Register/login, as the votes of registered users have more impact. Scroll down...
  3. Shadi

    Earth's Special Forces tournament, 2011!

    So here we are once more, an all fresh start for a new intense melee-battle! That's right we are going for one more tournament... but that's IF we get enough people.. So we need all your lazy asses to sign up, once we've gathered enough people we will move on to next step...
  4. Grega

    Hunter X Hunter 2011

    They are remaking the series it would seem. Ep 1 is out already and its flying though the story. So it kinda smells like FMA Brotherhood. And im loving it XD And best of all, they are not pulloing a DB:Kai with cuts, instead they are actually remaking the series :p
  5. Raeku

    IRB Rugby World Cup 2011

    Hey Everyone! Anyone else here supporters of Rugby??
  6. Eon

    NFL 2011 Season

    It's that time of year again! Do we have any NFL fans here? If so who's your team and how did you do in the Free Agency Period? Pre-Season starts tomorrow and I'm really excited! I'm a Baltimore Ravens fan, and we're hurting for a WR staff (aside from Boldin) but we patched up our O-line and...
  7. A

    Dragon Ball: GAME PROJECT AGE 2011

    In before Dragon Ball Z fighting games are all the same. In before the franchise is being milked. In before biased negative opinions. http://www.game-france.fr/news/news-0-1850+des-infos-sur-le-prochain-dragon-ball.php...
  8. Mkilbride

    GDC 2011: Piracy is not theft

    Source: http://www.next-gen.biz/news/gdc-2011-piracy-is-not-theft-says-minecraft-creator
  9. Nemix

    Champions Online F2P Released Today 25th Jan 2011

    http://www.champions-online.com/ Grab it, it's free. If you like superheroes... flying... quests... parties... raids... (WoW quote goes here) you should try out this game ;)
  10. Deathshot

    Akira (2011)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jafd97yJFOI Yup.... Some America remake thats going to suck.
  11. Damaera

    Wii 2 & PS4: Out in 2011?

    Wii 2: http://kotaku.com/5057222/american-site-its-time-to-talk-new-wii-out-in-2011 PS4: http://kotaku.com/5057202/japanese-site-its-time-to-talk-ps4
  12. Zeonix

    Prototype Delayed Until 2011

    But because I like you guys, I'll finish the game ahead of time and release it in 2009: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6190361.html?action=convert&om_clk=latestnews&tag=latestnews;title;0 One final thought. MOTHER****ER! That will be all. Edit: Whoops, I meant to put this in video games.
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