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  1. P

    Final Flash (yes, I'm bored)

    thats not that bad...he was just curious. I myself would like to know the status of the final flash.
  2. P

    Majin Vegeta Final

    ghp looks like its gonna be damn good. hopefully 1.1 will come out b4 it though, so i have something to keep myself occupied :-p
  3. P

    Please help

    Does anyone about the specifics i need to know to make my own animations? Like framerate, length, etc. Also, when making models, how do you know how big to make them? Finally, does anyone know where I can get a plugin or tool to export to .smd from 3dsmax 4 ?
  4. P

    Final Flash (yes, I'm bored)

    that thing is nice dude, keep up the good work.
  5. P

    Final Flash (yes, I'm bored)

    sexy :-D
  6. P

    Animation Questions Cont.

    Okay, now that I know the basics of animating from that sweet @$$ thread that was stickified, how do I port an animation from a .smd into 3dsmax for editing?
  7. P

    Help me. Stupid Internet.

    Listen to this crap, for some reason, as soon as I installed Tweak-XP I went from a steady 45ms ping on almost anyserver, to like 200-400!! I have broadband, I tried resetting the modem, and also system restoring to points previous to installation. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  8. P

    Is there anything easier?

    3ds max is much much more complex. Milkshape is about as easy as it gets.
  9. P

    my n00bish sig

    yea, im an amateur at everything :-/ some *SOFT* crits would be helpful :-p
  10. P

    odd problem

    yea, thats what i did, and it seems to do it only when i have kibot installed :-/ is there any other alternatives out there? or new versions?
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    odd problem

    how would someone using my key have anything to do with the game CRASHING. I have a store bought version of the game, and no one has seen my key besides myself. Well anyway, I have tried reinstalling it and it doesnt work, the game still only work occasionally.
  12. P

    odd problem

    okay this is kind of wierd but, for some reason, i can't start a lan or internet game sometimes . Not all the time, but only sometimes. And when I cant create a game, I also can't join any. But then other times the game works fine, it's really odd. It goes to the console screen, and it gets as...
  13. P


    sorry clicked the wrong, chill the f*ck out.
  14. P

    Smoke powerup effect

    if you could somehow filter out where the smoke is, and where its centered, then damn man, thats a good idea. I like it. Keep us posted :)
  15. P


    sweet model, needs eyes though
  16. P

    Suggestions please.

    Okay, so I know about the basics of modelling in 3ds Max, and I definetly want to make some models for esf. The first mini-project I'm going to start working on is modifying the gohan model that comes with the game (much luv and props for the ESF team :-D ) to simply have a more ssj2 look to...
  17. P


    yes, i am an animator. just starting, but i know the basics. i have 3dsmax also cuz my dad bought for his buisness. why is someone looking for an animator? email me if ud like me to give a whack at somethin.
  18. P

    modeling with 3dsmax

    is it possible to model/export with 3dsmax? what are the polycount restrictions? Any tutorials? I would have searched for this b4 i posted, but considering "3ds" is only 3 chars. i couldnt :-p
  19. P


    okay here's my problem/situation. I have a 64mb gfx card, and a 1.5 ghz pc, so why can i only run at ike 60fps? I know it must be some sort of filter on HL or something. Help would be much appreciated, thanks.
  20. P


    hey how do you go about modifing the .mdl animations, like what programs are used, etc.
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