This is not ESF anymore

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Mar 19, 2003
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Originally posted by Zilea
you see, this is why many people dislike the mod, because people like you tell US (THE PLAYERS) that we are retarded, how can you know i'm stupid? for all you know i could be Einstein.
You aren't even being open minded
Wow, talk about putting words in someone's mouth. He called you a retard last I checked, and you just proved it. You aren't a victum, so don't act like one.

P.S. Einstein is dead, you aren't Einstein. :S
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Nov 28, 2002
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notice how i did not insult anyone,i simply said waht i thought, then comes pCjoe with a boulder in his hands and begins to throw it at me and do whatever he pleases because he has the power

my suggestion is not let Pcjoe say anything because he will piss off more people =[
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Feb 7, 2002
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OMFG Zilea, can you please be quite. The only time the ESF team edits, blocks or bans people's posts are when they break the rules of the forum that you have to accept when you enter. i would really like to see you quote a mod when they just happen to call a forum member a retard for no reason. go on i dare you, you wont find one.
I happen to really like the ESF forums and we dont need people to flame the people who make this game and website possible. Thank you PcJoe for showing everyone everyone how stupid some ppl can be around here.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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Originally posted by Zilea

And to be completely honest, i don't think the ESF team did much in the 6-7 months they had (of course i'm going to get the "OH BUT HEY ZILEA THEY HAVE LIVES LOL!1!!!11!"
No offense but the coder isnt very good (I cant code but my friend is making a mod and he kicks ass)

How could this be rushed? it took you half a year
So you aren't insulting anybody? You started this one all by yourself, Zilea. You insulted the entire team by your lonesome and then told us that you thought harSens was a bad coder. PCJoe has the right to flame back at you for insulting his work. I suggest you back out of this argument right now and save yourself the headache of being hung up by your toes for continuing to pour fuel on this open flame.
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Nov 28, 2002
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this is pretty funny, I INSULTED THE WHOLE TEAM!

although all i said was "the coder isnt very good"

you misunderstood

I just started this with my opinion, why are all these people butting in? Example: Sonic Boyster, stfu
stop butting in =[
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Feb 7, 2002
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not insulting the team how about this

...i've given up trying to get key points through the Coders head, almost as thickheaded as DMZ's moderators (yes, they were TERRIBLE)...
in this little phrase you have flamed both ESF and DMZ's mods. grow up.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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It was an insult to tell everyone that the team didn't do anything for the last 6 to 7 months, as though you had been working on the mod the entire time.

Oh, and here's a nice little warning :warning: for telling me to shut the **** up. Don't tell me how to do my job. You are disrupting the community that I work to maintain order within, and you're only doing it for attention.
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Nov 28, 2002
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not an insult, just a comparison, because i started off with an opinion, but then because of what Pcjoe was posting i was sorta slanted to insults

i insult DMZ indeed because DMZ had the worst pieces of moderators in the world,just check their freaking forum, in the lsat 4 pages, about 150 out of 170 topics are locked (not accurate, but fairly accurate because i counted previously)

Edit: Sonic, i told you to stfu because out of thin air you enter the conversation, but did you make it any better? NO.

what did you do then? CAUSE MORE PROBLEMS, let us resolve it,don't interfere
New Member
Feb 7, 2002
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lol and your telling pcjoe to learn english

...(not accurate, but fairly accurate ...
i just thought id point that out. oh and again you knock DMZ

i insult DMZ indeed because DMZ had the worst pieces of moderators
im sure there are worse moderators out there.
New Member
Nov 28, 2002
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thats not bad english, it's something that i forget what it's called, for example, like a metaphor (not a metaphor, but something,i forget)

Also, Madd Dog, butt out, stop interfering, gogogogogogogogoogogogogoogo get out tHx^_^_^_
The Sinister Minister
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Nov 25, 2001
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Canada - Manitoba
Zilea, you are walking a fine line. First, you insult Pcjoe, a coder on the team AND an administrator on the forums. Then, you tell Boyster to STFU, even though he is a moderator and has the right to intervene. Furthermore, you are taking this thread completely off-topic. LASTLY, you COMPLETELY disregarded what I said back on the second page.

And, may I add, this thread is now closed for obious reasons. End of story.

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