This is not ESF anymore

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May 19, 2003
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lol ok ok, thanks to this update!!!!! jeez one mis-type/ wrong use of word and ur on my back ;)
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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I'm sick of hearing this. "How dare you *******s take out all of the old bugs, give us new models, new maps, new sounds, new features, and new cvars! What were you thinking!? How DARE you actually *IMPROVE* my chances in melee against someone with a ping 100 less than my own! How DARE you take away my ability to accidentally crash the servers I play in over and over! SCREW YOU! YOU DESTROYED ESF!"

What are your problems? People want to say it sucks just to get attention. Damn attention whores, the team doesn't want your de-contstructive comments litering their website. If you have to ***** about something, at least do it constructively, and explain what the hell you thought was better.
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Mar 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Sonic Boyster
I'm sick of hearing this. "How dare you *******s take out all of the old bugs, give us new models, new maps, new sounds, new features, and new cvars! What were you thinking!? How DARE you actually *IMPROVE* my chances in melee against someone with a ping 100 less than my own! How DARE you take away my ability to accidentally crash the servers I play in over and over! SCREW YOU! YOU DESTROYED ESF!"

What are your problems? People want to say it sucks just to get attention. Damn attention whores, the team doesn't want your de-contstructive comments litering their website. If you have to ***** about something, at least do it constructively, and explain what the hell you thought was better.
Amen to that Sonic... Shame on anyone saying that the whole team's hard work was for nothing, personally I think that the new patch rules, just download the new bots to get the feel of it and I'm convinced that everyone but block whores and attention grabbers will start liking it better than 1.0, honestly, how do you get off putting down the FREE things that others SPEND THEIR time on for YOU??? If you don't like it, at least have the common decency to say it nicely or keep it to your selves...
Busy Busy Busy
★ Black Lounger ★
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Nov 24, 2001
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Originally posted by Morrone
I'm just sick of the mods and everyone using "rushing the team" as an exsuse. I never rushed any1, hell I hardly talked aout it at all.

But when everything goes haywire because they didnt put enough focus in on the release then dont blame it on the fans.

They mention on the site they had the game done 2 weeks ago. I'm pretty sure thats more than enought ime to get atleats more than 1 link. Grant it they still had the linux to compile but how many people does that?

I just dont like how they use the excuse of the noobs with 1 post count asking for release as a reasonable explanation as to why everything got ****ed up today.
You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. There was a mishap that made us rush the windows installers without getting mirrors established.

Originally posted by UltraPerfectCel
Im sorry but due to this patch my fps have drop 10-15 on ALL maps :(
Try turning the graphic settings down. Go to multiplayer>customize>advanced. That should help.
Live free or die by the sword
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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
Good . . . god . . .

Start showing some freakin' respect to the Dev team or I will start gnawing on your faces ;/

They worked hard as hell on this and gave you things they felt were improvements.

If you don't like it, we have a suggestions section. I suggest you post your gripe there, nicely. If you don't like Beta 1.1, 1.2 is in development. The more time they waste explaining why 1.1 was rushed, the more rushing they do for 1.2. Sit tight . . . the new version will begin shortly.
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Nov 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Sonic Boyster
I'm sick of hearing this. "How dare you *******s take out all of the old bugs, give us new models, new maps, new sounds, new features, and new cvars! What were you thinking!? How DARE you actually *IMPROVE* my chances in melee against someone with a ping 100 less than my own! How DARE you take away my ability to accidentally crash the servers I play in over and over! SCREW YOU! YOU DESTROYED ESF!"

What are your problems? People want to say it sucks just to get attention. Damn attention whores, the team doesn't want your de-contstructive comments litering their website. If you have to ***** about something, at least do it constructively, and explain what the hell you thought was better.
You should listen to the don't assume ask advice to, maybe everyone should but I for one don't do it for attention I'm saying how I feel and other people feel the same way (and not for attention).

*oh and I might add, I'm disappointed by the time it took not what they have. Yes it is better but I say for the amount of time it took is what I don't like. The team is still good but I just thought It would have been more, I'm glad for the improvements but one thing I don't like is the sounds for example when you do a spirit bomb, it is alot worse if you call the other one bad. I will still play ESF as rarely as I played b1.0 :tired:
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Jun 14, 2002
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Pommy listen carefully. If you dont like esf beta 1.1 either go to suggestions and post one. Or give constructive critism. Not just"I hate esf beta 1.1 it sux".I think 1.1 is alot better. But I still have 1 complaint about beta 1 and 1.1 the flying is too slow even on boost. It maybe the engine but for 1.2 or beta 2 can the speed of flying be increased.
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Dec 3, 2002
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Everyone's just upset because the melee bull**** techniques aren't possible anymore, and as such, they now suck when they were the five on one ownage last release.

Get over it. :0)
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Mar 23, 2003
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Yup, No more insta counter :D I've been waiting for this day for a long time *connects to local server which usually has a notorious insta-counterer on it* :devgrin:

and the topic of this thread really is relavent, it just isn't the old esf anymore, It's better!!!


oh, and btw, it is quite possible to still own with almost solely melee, I have been kicked off of 2 servers so far for owning the admin :devgrin: here is the actual transcript of what happened:

empty(admin of some server with a low ping for me): I hate jumpers...(he was fighting someone else at the time)
later on he attacked me and his buddy ran me out of ki (I was untransed krillen and I am not a melee god... yet...) after I died he called me a rude name for a female dog... then I fought him one on one and beat him flawlessly (still untransed krillen)

empty: krillen is ***, I hate krillen

I was getting fed up with this seemingly 10 year old admin who was frustrated at losing to me when he was pinging 0

yogosaki: ok
yogosaki: I hate people who hate krillen and jumping
empty: ok
empty: You think your stronger than me... Bye bye

He then kicked me, moral of the story, melee is still good in the right hands

*tip* keep near full ki and you will almost always win head on swoops against the other guy reguardless of ping
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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The ONLY beef I have with 1.1 would be the framerate. My framerate is dead. It's almost unplayable for me now. It was bad before, but it got worse, and it was supposed to improve. Other than that, I hate people who sit in servers and ***** and ***** and ***** about how they destroyed ESF. They'll sit there are say "Charge at me. It takes me no skill to just charge back and hit you because you'll have less ki than I will." So you teleport behind them and knock them into a wall, but they still sit there and say "ESF requires no skill now. I can take anyone without even flying at anybody." I'm tired of it. if anybody wants proof that beta 1.1 is better in the head on collision department, load up beta 1.0 and I'll find someone to make a server for you. Ball up like that and try to hit the host with a head-on attack. Go ahead, do it.
New Member
Feb 28, 2003
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OMG i cant believe you guys are saying these things. The team did a great job on 1.1. if you guys want to complain do it somewhere else. The team worked so **** hard for everyone here to enjoy esf. Who cares what the new features are just play the game and stop complaining. ;(
The Sinister Minister
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Nov 25, 2001
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Canada - Manitoba
Ok, I've about had it with people pointing fingers at each other. This thread will go back to it's topic - that way the team can get some constructive criticism. This is not the "I blame <name here> for making my world less enjoyable" thread. When you post your opinion, back it up. If you don't like 1.1, tell the team why, so they can get some ideas for 1.2. If you like 1.1, great, the team appreciates your patronage. But, the next person to do neither of those, hence going off-topic, will get this thread closed, and will get a warning depending on the severity of the incursion.

Please, calm down. 1.1 just came out, take some time to get used to it, and give constructive input to 1.2, it's all we ask.
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Nov 28, 2002
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I think 1.0 was better

here's why:
The fact that trunks doesn't have a crosshair with melee sucks ass
Glitchy sword thing with trunks where it looks like he's putting it away but he doesnt
Piccolo's SPC is still isnt attached
Piccolos SPC still way too big (looks bigger than Piccolo almost)
some sounds kinda weird...
Trunks' hair is still not fixed in SSJ form
Gohan still uses old model
Goku too overpowered
Melee a little more slower paced
Game more slow-paced

And to be completely honest, i don't think the ESF team did much in the 6-7 months they had (of course i'm going to get the "OH BUT HEY ZILEA THEY HAVE LIVES LOL!1!!!11!"
No offense but the coder isnt very good (I cant code but my friend is making a mod and he kicks ass)

How could this be rushed? it took you half a year
Coder - Harsens sidekick
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Nov 24, 2001
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Okay, lets start from the top...

The fact that trunks doesn't have a crosshair with melee sucks ass
If you pulled your head out of your ass, you would have noticed this post. Its a sticky named "Sword crosshair fix", I dont think it gets much easier then that...

Glitchy sword thing with trunks where it looks like he's putting it away but he doesnt
Your not very descriptive. Is he putting the sword away at all? Is it lagging when he puts the sword away?

Piccolo's SPC is still isnt attached
Its a SBC, and we didnt have time to do it in beta 1.1. I dont exactly see why this makes 1.1 worse then beta 1.0, same exact thing, just better GFX.

Piccolos SPC still way too big (looks bigger than Piccolo almost)
I think its fine, everyone seems to like the new look (except the rainbow coloring :p)

some sounds kinda weird...
Your just use to the beta 1.0 sounds. If you dont like them, copy the beta 1.0 sounds over the newer ones, or make your own :)

Trunks' hair is still not fixed in SSJ form
We havnt had time to redo trunks yet. And like I said above, same as beta 1.0, this doesnt make it worse.

Gohan still uses old model
New gohan model will be used in beta 1.2. And going along with the above post...

Goku too overpowered
Everyone will get their fair share of new attacks, its only beta 1.0, we still have time to add. Anyways, thats more of personal opinion, goku has a lot of attacks, but some of them arnt even used.

Melee a little more slower paced
3 things changed in melee
1) You cant insta-counter anymore. If your one of those cheap SOBS that insta-counter 24/7, tough **** :)
2) I changed the hit detection from traceline to dot product, it should actually be easier to hit people w/ melee, your probably just not use to it
3) Head on collisions are now based on the amount of KI you have rather then the players ping.

Game more slow-paced
Its only slower because your not use to it, people will adapt and become just as fast as they were before. Only thing that might be slower is melee, but its a good type of slower. You have to think twice before charging at the enemy, instead of just plowing everyone over because you know you have the lowest ping on the server.

And to be completely honest, i don't think the ESF team did much in the 6-7 months they had (of course i'm going to get the "OH BUT HEY ZILEA THEY HAVE LIVES LOL!1!!!11!"
You sound like such an idiot... God forbid we have lives, we have to be enslaved to ESF 24/7. I would say that we worked a lot slower on ESF Beta 1.1, and got a break that was well deserved.
Also, during beta 1.1's development we have been doing a lot of planning for beta 1.2 (melee + other features). Originally, beta 1.1 was suppose to only take acouple months, but people were busy/tired/had problems contacting eachother/just didnt feel like working. We are hoping for beta 1.2's development to go much quicker then 1.1's...

No offense but the coder isnt very good (I cant code but my friend is making a mod and he kicks ass)
No offence? Your basically saying,"You and HarSens suck, my friend makes a mod and hes awesome!"
I'm not going to put your friend down, hes probably a capable guy, but your opinion is bull****.
You said it yourself, you cant code. Who the hell are you to say if we suck or not? If your going to talk ****, atlease back it up with a valid explination.

How could this be rushed? it took you half a year
Like masta said in another post, it was rushed behind the scenes during release for misc reasons.
New Member
Apr 27, 2003
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Everybody with low fps, get off your damn 486's and get a real computer. Mine isn't even that great and I have over 60fps.

Athlon XP 1900+
512mb ddr 2100
geforce 4 440mx

Damn I just graduated, I'm 18 with no job or money source. I'm sure you can manage to get something for selling some stuff or your parents.
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Nov 28, 2002
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PCjoe,you probably didn't notice but you were calling me an idiot and were making simple 3rd grade contraction errors (You're = you are, not "YOUR AN IDIOT")
Also, Trunks sword glitch that i meant was that he never puts it away
What do i need to backup that my friend is good at coding? he knows all heh

btw, i dont have time to waste time looking for a hidden topic that has a fix that apparently fixes trunks


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
I swear you guys need to show some freakin respect, I eman, this is all vlountarily done, and you guys act like you are enslaved to this mod, if you don't like it, don't play it, and if you don't like 1.1, play 1.0 with some bots or some 1.0 loving friends, I don't see why you have to lash out on the team, they have their own set of problems, if you don't like this, tough, the team could make the worse POS ever if they wanted to, and you can't do anything about it, YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO PLAY THIS!
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Jan 25, 2003
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Originally posted by ATF_MyStIc
Everybody with low fps, get off your damn 486's and get a real computer. Mine isn't even that great and I have over 60fps.

Athlon XP 1900+
512mb ddr 2100
geforce 4 440mx

Damn I just graduated, I'm 18 with no job or money source. I'm sure you can manage to get something for selling some stuff or your parents.
FSS my system is better than yours(not bragging just stating).

Identical except I have a GF 3 Ti200, and a better mobo. I have there is NOTHING running other than HL, I turn all non essential XP services off when I play, decent resolution, still get crap FPS. Could be cuz the ESFORCES servers have tripled in size, but other mods I play, even other games with MUCH higher poly counts don't lose frames like ESF. I'm sure they will fix it, we just have to tell them NICELY, then be patient.

On topic: 1.1 has a new set of problems, but it gets rid of the glaring problems from 1.0, I am VERY grateful for that. Just let the team know NICELY and relax. 1.2 is on the way.

Originally posted by Zilea
PCjoe,you probably didn't notice but you were calling me an idiot and were making simple 3rd grade contraction errors (You're = you are, not "YOUR AN IDIOT")
Also, Trunks sword glitch that i meant was that he never puts it away
What do i need to backup that my friend is good at coding? he knows all heh

btw, i dont have time to waste time looking for a hidden topic that has a fix that apparently fixes trunks
You don't have time to waste looking for a hidden topic, yet you have time to come to the forums and ***** up a storm? hush hush
New Member
Dec 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Zilea

btw, i dont have time to waste time looking for a hidden topic that has a fix that apparently fixes trunks [/b]
You don't have time to find the fix yet you have time to whine and *****. Amazing.

BTW. Its the first sticky in the ESF chat section.

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