Your Esf history

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💻 Oldtimer
Feb 14, 2002
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post your own (this thread is really only for board forum vets heh)

Aisha esf history!

[RAW]Tepus makes welcome thread

[RAW]Tepus gets ignored, sulks and forever more becomes an ass to everyone

[RAW]Tepus gets banned for being an ass

[RAW]Tepus gets unbanned

[RAW]Tepus changes name too The New Akuma

The New Akuma becomes abit less of an ass after warnings from Cucumba

The New Akuma becomes the n00b hunter

The New Akuma gets afew allies

The New Akuma gets killed by cuc, n00b hunter dies

N00b signs up on forum and makes welcome thread

The New Akuma replys too thread

The New Akuma makes n00b a sig

n00b likes sig

n00b becomes cheeseman before 50 posts

The New Akuma and cheeseman become friends

The New Akuma gets banned for flameing VT

The New Akuma gets unbanned after whineing alot

[RAW]Tepus changes name too Tepus

Tepus becomes nice person on forum

Tepus gets ops on irc

Tepus makes a rebeling thread

Tepus gets killed by cucumba

Cheeseman and Tepus laff at n00b sig Tepus made for him

Tepus gets mod stats

Tepus loses mod stats 20 mins later

Tepus changes name too Aisha

Aisha becomes esf tester alone with nameless \o/

Nameless and Aisha groove about it

Aisha writes "Aishas esf history"

Asiha is very very borad

Aisha is told by cuc that he was [RAW]Tepus 1st, then The New Akuma

Aisha looks stupid

Aisha edits post
New Member
Nov 25, 2001
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NameLess_Specter_]V[ history of long and ordealed events
through esf


The person named Marc enters the forum and sneaks in

Marc watches fireworks happen as ESF changes by the build

Marc stumbles upon the leaked version of DMZ on the forum

Marc is very quiet

Marc now after new forums come with the name ]V[ajin

]V[ajin loves alpha 1.8 with all his life and soul, err i dont have a soul

]V[ajin and val become freinds

]V[ajin and hibiki become best buds O_O

]V[ajin becomes admin on vals servers

]V[ajin found out the super secret code to be cell

]V[ajin is now a main part of the forums (fan fare)

(*lost years*) manly me being an ass and getting in trouble with VT and such

]V[ajin now has idenity crisis and become Super ]V[

Super ]V[ withness the birth of RSM

Super ]V[ becomes wise and all knowing

Super ]V[ made cuc's eyes bleed in the Eva Vs gundam thread

Super ]V[ and cuc become friends

Super ]V[ beomes NameLess_Specter_]V[

NameLess_Specter_]V[ posts "special" moving pic on RSM forums

NameLess_Specter_]V[ meets tepus and becomes friends

NameLess_Specter_]V[ becomes main staple name on forums

NameLess_Specter_]V[ goes to hawaii and is forgotten

NameLess_Specter_]V[ returns and noobs over run the place

NameLess_Specter_]V[ cries cause noobs wreaked the forums and seeked redemption in IRC as main esf stuff

NameLess_Specter_]V[ now a IRC god and talks there alot (go as in connected, not ruleing, more like a crime boss)

NameLess_Specter_]V[ now became voiced

NameLess_Specter_]V[ is now beta tester

NameLess_Specter_]V[ is now writeing this thread

NameLess_Specter_]V[ is also very very bored

time for anime
The Duke of Juke
Retired Forum Staff
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2002
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my very first post was me pretending to be smart in a thread called krillen idea. the idea was that krillen should be able to make a spirit bomb, and i said just have goku make one and throw it at you so you can block struggle it and have krillen throw it.

second post complained about the bots

afterwards i make the usual noob posts, whine about my connection, the last 2 letters omitted from my name...

After 50 posts i change my avatar to a naraku one, and get asked what it is, and then get asked if it is a pink fluffy oozaru.

Then I have stopped being a noob, I post a lot less.

I get yelled at by Tepus because I try to sound smarter than I am, and again for trying to be a mod.

Here now. I now hang out much more at the offtopic forum than any others...
Live free or die by the sword
Retired Forum Staff
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
Best answers
North East Pennsylvania
*lurks after downloading 1.8
*makes sure he knows the answers to n00by questions
*prepares to post after Alpha 2.0
*makes horrible avatar and sig
*post lame Godzilla joke in a thread about how to pronounce Gogeta.
*Verbally spars with Hibiki
*notices lack of logic on forum
*makes note to take over this weakness, this republic of a forum
*Posts some 1300 times without spamming or flaming (excessively) and makes sence 80% of the time
*Befreinds VT and rest of team
*Driven to the darkside by rampaging lunacy
*Gets VT to raise a vote of no confidence in the old forum moderators, then becomes Supermod and Operator
*Becomes Admin after VT mysteriously leaves
*Trains hard with Cheeseman and Chimpbot on Mount N00bus, becomes Death Pickle
*Becomes Beta Tester
*stabs many spammers in the face with his bansaber
*Becomes last of first civilian Admins :\
*Uses ban saber on many n00bs at the side of the Dog of War!
*continues to restore peace and order throughout the forum
New Member
Jun 2, 2002
Best answers
Hey cuc you forgot:

*fuses with cheeseman to become Cheesumba.

well im not exacly a vet but hey i'll post my history..

*I was looking for dbz mods and i found Dmz
a few hours later i found esf.

*After downloading alfa registraded to the forums.
i posted a few times until spitfire pissed me off....

*after a few months when beta was out i started posting
again and here i stand now being ignored.


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 4, 2001
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*Came in just after 2.0.

*Posted a few times then left for about 3 months.

*Came back in march and continued to only post when nessecary (<-- hates spam)

*Befriend Cucumba, Cheeseman, Chimpbot, Greg and just about everyone with power on these forums.

*Got voted in to be a moderator.(with only a post count of 45)

*Becomes Zucchini shock trooper

*Became a beta tester.

*Became a Supermod just before beta 1.0 release.

*I now bring death to all who feel the need to spam.
New Member
Jan 1, 2003
Best answers
-Observed the forums quitely for a long time, plays beta through this time. He decides he'll make his move under the cover of darkness..."New years Eve"

-It was done and "Scooterman" born.

-Scooterman posted a lot, but didnt spam...well maybe a little.

-Scooterman insults some *** drawing of vegeta, and on this thread he meets mewtwo.

-Scooterman and Mewtwo become friends

-50 posts and adds a custom avator

-Simultaneosly Scooterman inferrs that vegeta briefs is really sick and weird, and makes a post about Super moderators and their powers. For some reason they become friends.

-120 posts

-Scooter begs for a sig from Ryo the master of the sigs.

-Scooterman joins IRC and is ignored, but due to his nature he buts in to so many conversations that they soon talk to him.

-Scooterman feels priveledged.

-Scooter talks to Hibiki, Tepus, Cucumba, Deverz, Nameless Spectre, the masters of the IRc chat and others.

-Scootermans Sig is done

-Scooterman dances

-Scooterman posts his story

-Scoot meets cheese man and is awed by his cheesy powers.

-Scooterman watches as VB gets banned

-Scooterman rights this post which will surely be ignored for he is just a n00b.

-Scooterman goes away and eats some satay chicken for dinner.

history...:\ i really am a n00b. Not even a *** name at one time...tho i was once called Dark Dragon tho that was a long time ago...
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 2, 2001
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1m4 registers as 1m4 0wn j00r 455
1m4 reregisters as 1m4 0wn y0 455
1m4 stumbles upon sig making in artwork
1m4 gets psp7 and starts making sigs
1m4 is horrible at making sigs
1m4 eventually gets better
1m4 joins spiral rift(sig making whatever)
1m4 leaves spiral rift after it got killed
1m4 begins to get interested in layouts
1m4 makes layouts
1m4 gets in big fight with a guy named style
1m4 starts making layouts
1m4 gets graded harshly on layouts by spit and some other dude
1m4 gets pissed and leaves for a month
1m4 comes back and only a couple remember 1m4
1m4 does not recognize all these new people
1m4 starts making wps
1m4 makes good wps
1m4 gets 3ds max
1m4 is still leanr 3dsm
1m4 makes a couple walls
1m4 sees this post
1m4 post this post
1m4 is now done

1m4 edits post to say 1m4 is old school
1m4 gives shout out to light scream, FM, Tepus, Spitfire, Judge, SPiN, Wraith, both sonics, chimp, and cucumber
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 9, 2002
Best answers
Ryoko joined and pimped drawings
Ryoko pimped sigs
Ryoko posted in only 2 forums
Ryoko because adept at sig making
Ryoko made and pimped more sigs
Ryoko pimped drawings
Ryoko made friends with lots of people (you know who you are :p)
Ryoko became forum moderator
Ryoko used power to.. pimp art
Ryoko lags
Ryoko gets disconnected....

Im not a pimp.. really !_!
Nov 24, 2001
Best answers
* Judge joined ESF forums @ 1.8 alpha.
* Judge started making sigz after he was impressed by SPiN's work
* Judge became Super moderator
* Judge ownz
* Judge mentions "Veritas" in his sig etc, becuz it means "Truth" which should be known to all moderators + Judge's ;)
* Judge couldn't be arsed to write more down.


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
Best answers
*Nazghul looks on realbot site and sees a dbz mod site on it
*Nazghul 's dream comes true!
*Nazghul dowloads 2.0 in (november?)
*Nazghul tries to join the forums in november but can't because he doesn't know who invited him
*Nazghul plays nightshade and some1 from RAW in his ownmade server
*Nazghul gets owned but becomes friends with both of them
*Nazghul fills nightshades name in the "Invited by:" spot
*Nazghul figures that it wasn't needed
*Nazghul asks for a sig
*Nazghul learns that that was forbidden on the esf forum
*Nazghul goes to some other forum and gets judge to make his first real sig (and it owned!!!)
*Nazghul is inpressed by judge's and SPiN's work (and some1 called android 18?)
*Nazghul decides to be the greatest sig maker one day!
*Nazghul tries to make sigs but the first pretty much suck..
*Nazghul keeps playing esf alpha 2.0
*Nazghul gets a little better at making sigs
*Nazghul gets his first warning from Cheese because he flamed a new mod.... (I'm still sorry MajinYou :()
*Nazghul join deviantart red saiyan and dmz forums
*Nazghul gets banned from redsaiyan forum because he was spamming (I wasn't!!)
*Nazghul becomes unbanned after a lot of whining
*Nazghul increases his 3dsmax en photoshop abbilities
*Nazghul stays awake till 5:30 AM , because he wants to be with the release of beta 1.0
*Nazghul had school the other day...
*Nazghul becomes friends with SPiN
*Nazghul becomes admin and wallpaper boy of
*Nazghul makes this post
*Nazghul posts it
New Member
Jan 10, 2003
Best answers
Um, what makes a vet? 100 + posts? o_O I have a very interesting history, even if I'm not a "vet" (I hate taking care of sick animals, don't you?).
New Member
Nov 26, 2001
Best answers
Koblano watches mod forever
Koblano joins forums 2 forums ago
ESF changes Koblano's forums
Koblano lives as a peaceful noob
Koblano starts a mod
Esf no like Koblano's mod
Koblano and VT fight
Vt much bigger than Koblano
Vt slays Koblano
Koblano leaves forums
Koblano comes back to forums in time for 2.0
Koblano pwnz!
Koblano starts makin sigs again
People actually like Koblano's sigs (amazing!!)


Originally posted by Goku_Son_1
(I hate taking care of sick animals, don't you?).

/me gets his cute widle innocent fluffy cat before goku_son

...Now, lets see if you can say that again.
New Member
Jan 10, 2003
Best answers
I hate taking care of sick animals, don't you? But I love little kitties so much I'm going to wait until it feels better, THEN take care of it =^.^=

Oh well, I'm going to tell my history :D

Bra's Briefs joins forum in December with the intent of pretending to be some stranger to sister (o_o)
Vegeta's Briefs gets in trouble for it.
Bra's Briefs explains and apologizes.
Bra's Briefs starts posting, and scares people.
Bra's Briefs changes name to Goku_Son_1 in January (on birthday)
Goku_Son_1 starts posting
Goku_Son_1 loves kitties
Goku_Son_1 meets Koblano
Goku_Son_1 makes friends with mods, super mods, admins, and normal peoples
Goku_Son_1 REALLY loves kitties
Goku_Son_1 watches her sister get banned, and starts being more carefull (o_o)
Goku_Son_1 befriends a lot of my sisters enemies (enemies turn to friends)
Goku_Son_1 makes first sig in a different style than anyone else
Goku_Son_1 kisses Koblano
Goku_Son_1 finds this thread
Goku_Son_1 doesn't like taking care of sick animals...
Goku_Son_1 owns the Poetry world :D


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Aug 26, 2002
Best answers
*Joins As [-MF-]Gogeta in November 2001
*Posts alot
*Gets yelled at by Chimp
*Makes a topic staitng he is sorry about fighting with chimp.
*Gets yelled at for not PMing him lol
*Asks SPiN to make him a sig
*Posts somemore
*Changes Name to OneWingedAngel
*Gets two warnings in about a month
*Loses his Password and changed his email so he can't do the "Lost Password" thing
*Regesters as OwA|
*Gets in trouble cause no one believes him that he lost his Password
*Makes first sig
*Does soem useless stuff
*gets mIRC
*Becomes friends with Majin_You
*Makes more sigs
*votes in tons of polls (OLD ONES)
*Gets Banned for Poll SPamming
*Comes back
*Is Stupid
*Sorta befriends soem staff.
*gets VB Banned
*Gets a "People To Watch List of cuc" warning
*Here today.


Dec 20, 2002
Best answers
Dallas, TX
*just a noob that joined becasue his guild was posting about a tourney
*Hung around the forums and did stupid things like replying to dead threads
*became a wise ass and tries to please everybody at the same time
*absorbed in the do's and donts of the forums and avoided(tried to lol) spamming and flaming...but people were stupid...(crap that was a flame:scared: )
*thought he was cool, but merely was just another brick in the wall
*got a siggy from koblano
*befriended Glenn once he joined
*made a CT vs FF3 thread
*made a bunch of "who would win" annoying threads
*just posted some more...
*befriended Twysta
*got a kick ass siggy from OWA with Kefka in it:p
*befriended Cyrus(new guy that came in and got his "im new" thread closed cuz other people turned it into a war for some odd reason)
*saw this thread
*pestered you guys
*pressed "Submit Reply"

Nirvana Sublime and the Doors rock!
The Sinister Minister
Retired Forum Staff
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 25, 2001
Best answers
Canada - Manitoba
>Came in during 1.9 reign asking "where are the new beams", question answered.
>Returned to hype about 2.0 being released.
>Got 2.0, came back to new boards to rejoice.
>Began to ask for a sig.
>Began to talk to Tepus a bit.
>Made good acquaintance with Tepus.
>Made good acquaintance with Cucumba
>Made good acquaintance with a few others (GundamSeph, Spitfire, a couple others...)
>Became official Mod Wannabe.
>Became offical moderator.
>Became official Beta Tester Wannabe
>Made acquaintance with all other moderators.
>Became Super Moderator.
>Began reign of power as members flooded in for Beta 1.0

Note- History extremely abbreviated.
New Member
Nov 25, 2001
Best answers
Originally posted by Goku_Son_1
Um, what makes a vet? 100 + posts?
god no, Vets are well distinguished and the DEV know them, and the ops,admins,mods know them, and doesnt matter about post count, but how long you have been around

IE: Val

Valkeryie Alpha

hes a vet around here, but posts little to known

basicly the saying goes

vets know who vets are, its kind of like wolves and there packs


New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Dec 4, 2001
Best answers
I would say vets are the ones that have been here since 2001, or early 2002(january-febuary)

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