WTF is a slobberknocker?

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Jan 25, 2003
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Since you can't do your patriotic duty and flame "professional" wrestling into oblivion in that other topic, come on in and do it here!

Someone made the point that pro wrestling is like male soap operas; they forgot that soap operas suck. All style, no substance. I guess that's a general desciption for most of today's pop culture, but that's no excuse for the people who watch it. Stop throwing giving your money to jocks who were too stupid to get a real job so they have to pretend to beat up on other stupid jocks. Give your money to real athletes, like Lance Armstrong. The man had ****ing testicular cancer that spread to his lungs and brain for christ's sake, he got over it and won the goddamned Tour de France. If one of those wrestling girls ever got teste cancer, the only place you would see them is in one of those support groups from Fight Club. Crying into the big moosie's tits. ****, on HBO I saw a guy with no arms and legs, just stumps, wrestling in high school, and he was pwning all over the place. If my prayers are awnsered and the entire cast of WWEPILDJFLKJAKJFLKJFLKAJD gets into a firey bus accident, I would LOVE to see them wrestle then.

So yeah, wrestling sucks.

NOTE: This is not a thread for personal flaming. Other than Iceman's flame to me and my retaliation, let's keep this as impersonal as possible. Thanks.
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Dec 3, 2002
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Kurt Angle had a broken neck and won three gold medals. He also broke his neck AGAIN, for the entertainment of thousands of fans, and finished a main event match at wrestlemania.

They're fake athletes?


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Must be fake muscles then. :\

I'm not a big WWE fan or whatever, but the **** they do takes alot of talent... you're making it out like anyone could do it.
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Jun 30, 2003
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Ok Me and you.. climd to teh top of a 20 foot cage while i through you off of it as you fall through a table and come to rest on a concrete floor. Jump off 15 foot ladder through a table just to satisfy the fans. Do a backflip off the top ropes, and onto another ones body before knocking the wind out of yourself. The story line maybe fake, but there's injuries in that sport. Many people broken bones, torn legaments, broke necks, spines, arms... yet its fake. You probably was a geek and school who got pwned by jocks because your some 5'3 kid with glasses and buck teeth who dreemed of being a football player but was cut because you were a nerd.
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Nov 24, 2001
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Its sad that people hurt themself for cash. In is stupid and has killed some of them.
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Feb 6, 2004
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The mat is most likely like a trampoline with a thin piece of plywood over it, and most of the punches/kicks are most definatly fake.

But as for the rest of the stuff... I would have to say its real.
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Jan 3, 2003
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Uh well. I dont really care for wrestling, unless im uber bored, but instead of watching the draft last night, I watched family guy and the end of austin powers instead, because both are more entertaining then a bunch of people running around pretending to beat on eachother.

I'm not saying there fake athletes, thats not the case. No one but an athlete could do what they do, but the vast majority of what they do is fake, and planned out. If you think they don't practice jumping from those cages your just a fool. Sometimes there are mistakes, that kind of stuff happens, hence the injuries and deaths.

If you ask me, most athletes are overpaid. The money made by alot of athletes should go to other things, like jobs that actually matter. I'd rather see the millions they rack in go to the average person than to see those over-paid people pretend to beat eachother up. It's not even entertaining imho.
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Mar 23, 2002
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You're making no sense at all. Why would they hire a group of people with muscles to be entertainers? You think those fit bodies and stunts are just natural, anybody can do them? Hell no. Stone Cold broke his neck in a wrestling match, took a break to get better and came right back to what he loves doing, wrestling. Owen Hart was killed for doing what he loves, wrestling. These people break their bodies doing what they do. You think any person would just say, ok, i'll be a wrestler, wooo now i'm a millionare. Nope, there are only a select few who are chosen to wrestle. You need a crazy amount of stamina, muscle, talent, and other things I don't even know about. What exactly do you mean by "real" athletes? You're saying that the wrestlers in WWE aren't "real" athletes? What were you thinking? :S

WWE = True athletes


Dec 20, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Amen to that.

Although the punches and kicks are staged, if the people fux up, their asses are grass.

Plus they must keep their bodies in tip top condition.

Take ric Flaire and hogan.

they are both as old as the friggin pope and they are in excellent health
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Feb 4, 2002
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I don't like WWE or any professional televised wrestling at all. But denying the fact that these men are in shape, incredible shape, is just silly. Regardless of how "fake" wrestling really is. The guys in the ring giving everyone a show are very much in shape.

So calling the actual wrestlers fake is ridiculous.
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Apr 7, 2003
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Personally, I hate the whole WWE/RAW kind of fake-wrestling.
The only real professional wrestling you'll see is in the Olympics.

However.. Wishing death upon them? They're entertainers, actors. I may not like Britney Spears, but I don't wish DEATH upon her. Talk about getting some perspective.

It sickens me that such people are paid outrageous sums of money while people who sacrifice the quality of their life in order to help people--Police, Firemen, Teachers, are paid so poorly while someone gets in front of a camera and pretends to pound on someone gets millions of dollars a year.

Same goes for "professional" athletes like those in Baseball, Basketball, Football, etc. Regardless of how good you can swing a piece of wood at a flying ball, you shouldn't be getting paid more then someone who has to dodge bullets and arrest "the bad element," or saves people from infernos, or someone who instills knowledge into a future generation.

Froman, you should note that people who suffer from disease/disabilities and go on to succeed are admiration worthy, but it doesn't make people who do it without disease/disabilities "despicable" or disdain worthy.

In my opinion, the only true Athletes are ones who train for themselves and their country, in order to win prestige and honor.

People who do it for money aren't "Real Athletes." They're sports mercenaries.
Ice Cream God
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Dec 2, 2001
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No im pretty sure their still athletes. And besides you couldve used something better than Spots Mercenaries. So just because they fake most of the stuff, theyre not doing it for honor? If they did it for money theyd build up a bundle and quit.

And magus im pretty sure that ric flair is older than the pope :p
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Apr 7, 2003
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Um, if you knew the amount of work these people have to do in order to get the muscles to -do- WWE/RAW, you'd know they are not going to simply save up an amount of money, and quit; they'll do it as long as they are physically able to do.

As I said, the only true athletes are ones who don't do it for profit.
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Abe Froman said:
Since you can't do your patriotic duty and flame "professional" wrestling into oblivion in that other topic, come on in and do it here!
When have the forums ever allowed flaming? The simple fact that all the other posts in this thread have discussed the matter civily is the only thing that keeps it alive. Let's keep it that way.

So what if the story is fake? As stated many times before, do some of the stuff they do. Look at the kids stupid enough to do backyard wresting and royally mess themselves up. They haven't got the discipline, flexibility, or strength to perform the acts the wrestlers do without hurting themselves bad.
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Nov 5, 2003
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You guys make it sound like they purposly beat themselves up, it's fake, I've seen tons of specials on TV with how fake it is, springy arenas, fake punches, fake injuries, tables that are already broken to make it seem realistic, I mean, come on, they always punch at angles so you don't see how fake it is.
The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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Yes, the punches and blows from wrestler to wrestler are fake. But what about the acrobatics off the ladders, cages, turnbuckles etc?
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Nov 5, 2002
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Abe Froman said:
Since you can't do your patriotic duty and flame "professional" wrestling into oblivion in that other topic, come on in and do it here!

Someone made the point that pro wrestling is like male soap operas; they forgot that soap operas suck. All style, no substance. I guess that's a general desciption for most of today's pop culture, but that's no excuse for the people who watch it. Stop throwing giving your money to jocks who were too stupid to get a real job so they have to pretend to beat up on other stupid jocks. Give your money to real athletes, like Lance Armstrong. The man had ****ing testicular cancer that spread to his lungs and brain for christ's sake, he got over it and won the goddamned Tour de France. If one of those wrestling girls ever got teste cancer, the only place you would see them is in one of those support groups from Fight Club. Crying into the big moosie's tits. ****, on HBO I saw a guy with no arms and legs, just stumps, wrestling in high school, and he was pwning all over the place. If my prayers are awnsered and the entire cast of WWEPILDJFLKJAKJFLKJFLKAJD gets into a firey bus accident, I would LOVE to see them wrestle then.

So yeah, wrestling sucks.
What the hell is your problem? People choose to make a living on their own terms, not on yours. Just becuase you don't seem to like the sport doesn't mean it's a bad thing, not everyone shares your opinions. Stop trying to impose your will on others, I'm not the biggest fan of wrestling, but I'll watch it whenever I damn please, regardless of your idiotic post. Telling people how to live their lives or spend their money will only make you look like a fascist. Don't try telling me something is fake without first hand experience, just becuase you saw a "special" or read something doesn't mean ****. Unless you've actually been slammed on the ring a few times, your accusations of wrestling being fake won't be taken seriously. Everyone knows that most matches have a general outline of what's going to happen, but it's not like they know exactly what to do at each second. A lot of it is on the fly.

As has been mentioned before, professional wrestlers often injure themselves, and in some cases very seriously, or to the point of death, and that's not good enough for you? I suppose that they aren't real athlete's until their corpses get up and continue the fight, right? To anyone that doesn't think that they're "real" athletes, I can assure you by the definition given in the dictionary that they are real athletes.

Athlete: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.

Do they fit that definition? If so, then they're athletes, honor has nothing to do with the classification of an athlete.


Lost in space
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May 6, 2003
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It is a known fact that the tables are indeed WHOLE and UNBROKEN. They just dont have the metal railing under them, because if they did, they wouldn't break, period. Not everyone that jumps breaks a table. If you saw spike dudley the other week, La Resistance botched a move through a table and sent him falling head first onto the edge of the table...

speaking of Edge, i hate that guy...
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Jun 30, 2003
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[eD] ! said:
You guys make it sound like they purposly beat themselves up, it's fake, I've seen tons of specials on TV with how fake it is, springy arenas, fake punches, fake injuries, tables that are already broken to make it seem realistic, I mean, come on, they always punch at angles so you don't see how fake it is.
Bleh haev you been to an actuall wrestling show? There are no springs that make it seems like what it is in the "this is how wrestling really is!!" kinda shows. The springs in the ring of wwe is to support it from the impact of falling. A boxing ring has springs to support it. And the hits are only fake 45% of the time. If you have seen wrestlemania, and saw shawn micheals kick benoit in the face with a S.C.M, there is no way to say it was fake. First of all the impact made a sound that made its way through the arena, second of all his foot was dead on benoit face, and an awesome photographer did an excallent job to get the image. The "ric flair" slaps to someones bare chest cant be fake. You can hear the impact. Wrestling isn't a street fight when one another just throws fists to beat each other up, it is a form of skill. Wrestling was renamed back in the 60s or 70s when someone was killed in front of a live audience. Thats when they decided to let teh wrestlers practice manuevers so they wont injure themselves. If they didnt practice, then every wrestler who wrestled would be injured. Boxers practice so they wont get hurt. They just dont get in the ring and charge at the opponent expecting to beat the tar out of him and walk away with the gold. They practice with their trainers. So does wrestlers. You say the practice falling off a cage, who would be dumb enough to do that? THe stuff that goes on in the ring isnt planned.. only the ending is, so that it keeps the ratings and fans. Sure Stone Cold practices on how to do a stunner, but if he didnt, everyone in there would have a broken neck due to un-experience. I have to agree with Mystix and everyone else who supports wrestling, it takes years and years of training to get where they are today. And people throws it back in their face.
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Nov 24, 2001
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SailorAlea said:
Personally, I hate the whole WWE/RAW kind of fake-wrestling.
The only real professional wrestling you'll see is in the Olympics.

It sickens me that such people are paid outrageous sums of money while people who sacrifice the quality of their life in order to help people--Police, Firemen, Teachers, are paid so poorly while someone gets in front of a camera and pretends to pound on someone gets millions of dollars a year.

Same goes for "professional" athletes like those in Baseball, Basketball, Football, etc. Regardless of how good you can swing a piece of wood at a flying ball, you shouldn't be getting paid more then someone who has to dodge bullets and arrest "the bad element," or saves people from infernos, or someone who instills knowledge into a future generation.
A lot of athletes sacrifice a part of their child hood to become as good as they are now. Only a select few will actually make it. Also not that top-sport is something you can only do for a small period of your life. Those people earn a lot of money because they have a special ability that the rest of the population doesn't have. If you want everyone to make the same amount of money, move to Cuba. If you want government employees to make more money, prepare for tax increases, or a progressive tax system. But I doubt any of the 2 american parties would support that.

In my opinion, the only true Athletes are ones who train for themselves and their country, in order to win prestige and honor.

People who do it for money aren't "Real Athletes." They're sports mercenaries.
So the guy with the beerbelly and the moustage next door, that plays soccer with his mates every sunday for the glory of his village (and to have an excuse to do some wild drinking at the pub afterwards) is a real athlete, and Gary Kasparov who trains 40 hours a week and does a fun match against a computer to gain a million is not? And what about a mediocre sportsman that visits every tournament he can go to, so he can just make a living? I'd say a real athlete plays to win, which would cancel out wrestlers, since most of their games are rigged. Which doesn't mean I disrespect wrestlers, just that I'd put them in a different category, together with Jackass actors and stuntmen.

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