What suggestions have you guys tooken into consideration?

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Aug 16, 2004
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Sunnyvale, CA
Well, browsing the suggestions page and seeing some pwnage suggestions, I was wondering

Did you guys take any suggestions and are currently/already implementing/ed it into ESF?

Or any that you remember?
Coder - Harsens sidekick
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Nov 24, 2001
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I'm not going to lie - we don't look at each and every suggestion and evaluate them. What we do is look at the suggestion forum and bring up various comments and suggestions from there. What usually ends up happening is that we'll take a part of an idea that we really like, and modify to make it work better with the game.
For ideas we've taken from the forums, I can't recall exactly. Where the ideas come from don't really stick in my head. I remember we read a suggestion in the forums about secondary fire deattaching the beam and just letting it fly as an energy ball, rather than blowing it up... So, we had an inteam for a few weeks with beams that deattached - the team hated it and hars had to recode the system to work the old way ^_^;
Related to 1.3 though, we have quite a few additions that were taken from the suggestion forums and adapted to 1.3. I obviously can't tell you which ones, but we do check out the forum :)
Lost in space
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Dec 21, 2003
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The team will take stuff into consideration. Dev team members have said they'll being an idea up at a team meeting if they think it's any good. The team is completely blind though, Ki blobs were a suggested thing if I remeber correctly and they added them to the game.

I liked a few of imonkong's ideas on trunk's sword but I don't remember what they were exactly. /me goes and searches for thread. The pros and cons of each idea is something you have to think about though, an idea could be very great but unbalanced. Also if there was a way of balancing an idea, you'd also have to think though If it can have a negative impact on the game, such as game pace etc.
whereswarren (King_Vegeta)
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Jun 6, 2004
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You guys should re-read the outline aswell. It's been updated a little.

Burning attack secondary fire for example.
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Jul 13, 2004
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I've always wanted to see this one.

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Default How about an ability to...
Control your power level? In the show the z fighers along with some of the villians were able to lower their power level so that they'd seem weaker then they really were. I propose something like that but abit more usefull/fun.

Lets say I have 5,000,000 PL with goku if i wanted to fight my friend who just joined I have a retared advantage over him. The only way we can fight on equal grounds is if i keep killing myself untill I have a PL near his or if he keeps playing for hours untill he reaches a PL near mine. With this limited control over your PL you'll be able to lower it to his level. That way I can fight on equal grounds without having to kill myself or without him having to waste hours just to play me.

You'd be able to go up and down your PL from 5,000,000 to 100,000. So at one point you can go all out vs someone or you can give yourself a handy cap on a server with lots of new players.

Now we all know if goku with 5,000,000 PL hits vegeta with a PL of 700,000 he'll hardly get any PL. This will not change even if you lower your PL to say 100,000 from 5,000,000. You'd gain the same amount as you would as if you had 5,000,000 vise versa if vegeta (with 700,000PL) its goku (who has 5million but lowered to 100,000) he would still get the PL he'd get from hitting goku 5mill.


-Control your PL
-Can go down or up
-Cannot pass your current pl (if you have 700,000pl you cannot go over it only below it and back to it)
-Evens up matchs (if you want to)
-Alows you to challenge yourself

What do you guys think?
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Dec 7, 2001
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Well, look at the current news post: Custom model support is in direct response to the community, is it not? :)

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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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Like joe said, most good suggestions (balanced, well thought out ones) are usualy read by a team member or two or a beta tester during their time forum browsing, and get brought up in meetings. There is discussion of whether it'd work, and whether its worth the work behind it. Most of the time, like a true democracy D: we have a vote to decide, unless its already been established as impossible or unreasonable. So basically, with the beta testers and team members, many of them forum regulars, its not likely a good idea will slip through unoticed in the suggestion forum, if the suggestion actually has feasible merit its most likely going to make it in, however like Joe said the majority of the time we take the idea and put a new spin on it to make it more fitting for 1.3.

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