Want lots of food for Buu?

New Member
Dec 31, 2002
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I found this pretty interesting, I was gonna post about the 'cheating' way to raise PL by waiting during the cookie attack, but I guess Im not the first.

Im not sure if someone already posted this, or whether its a bug or a intended thing, but when you get the menu to choosing the food, just walk somewhere so you fall off or change your level, basically, so the beam is not touching the enemy, and choose the food. the food will appear, and so will the character. by doing this multiple times, you can get a lot of food lying around, but im not sure if you'll recieve the powerups that way.

if you want, i can make a screenshot full of yummies :)
try it, its harmless fun:p
New Member
Dec 31, 2002
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hehe, also, adding a shortcut automatically will be a good addition!
putting boundaries on maps is a good idea. when you are off the map, and fire an attack, it will explode in your face! so boundaries before the end of the map will serve well!

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