Umm help anyone?

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Aug 20, 2005
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Umm.. yeah this is my first sig ever. So tell me how it is:

I am sorta poor, so I can't afford Photoshop, and so I use Gimp. Any help and any comments would be appreciated guys..
Umm, anyone please? lol..
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Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
Well, I dont use the GIMP but personally....I would try to blend in the picture of bobba a bit more, I would change the font size of the text on the left side (or if it is a brush of somekind, make it a bit smaller) and there is too much tech stuff on the right side. And the sig needs border. Other than those...I think its a quite good sig for a first try, I like it :)
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Aug 20, 2005
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I don't know how to blend the pictures :(. However, I will try and do the border and stuff and see how it turns out.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Apr 15, 2003
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Ive heard of gimp, aparently its very much like photoshop, but i havent tried it myself. If gimp is anything like photoshop, it'll have layers, and somewhere in one of the layers menu will be different blending modes, it changes how the colours on the layer react to whats underneath that layer. Duplicate the layer with the trooper in it and change the blending mode to something, like overlay. Or you could change the layers opacity to make it more transparent. I dunno if gimp would have it, but look for something called layer mask near the layers, if its there, it allows you to create sort of a layer which governs where the image can be displayed where you use white it shows the picture, the black is completely transparent, in-between effects the opacity. Its nice to sometimes use a gradient on a layer mask....

Hopefully that was of some help to you :p or gimps features arent like photoshop. The sig itself isnt that bad, just the image isnt blended well, also i think you've over used the tech brushes, theres no need for the stuff in the middle and at the bottom, but maybe something more to the right hand side. I'd also get rid of the white text behind the trooper, he's the focal point there the contrast of the harsh white is too distracting. If it just had the dark background there it'd be much nicer, especially if u blend the trooper in more. I like the way u got the trooper pointing towards those circles =P nice, i like the font too, just i'd lower it a bit, maybe put it to the left a little, not sure. Anyhows good luck, i hope ive helped D:
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Aug 20, 2005
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Davidskiwan said:
Ive heard of gimp, aparently its very much like photoshop, but i havent tried it myself. If gimp is anything like photoshop, it'll have layers, and somewhere in one of the layers menu will be different blending modes, it changes how the colours on the layer react to whats underneath that layer. Duplicate the layer with the trooper in it and change the blending mode to something, like overlay. Or you could change the layers opacity to make it more transparent. I dunno if gimp would have it, but look for something called layer mask near the layers, if its there, it allows you to create sort of a layer which governs where the image can be displayed where you use white it shows the picture, the black is completely transparent, in-between effects the opacity. Its nice to sometimes use a gradient on a layer mask....

Hopefully that was of some help to you :p or gimps features arent like photoshop. The sig itself isnt that bad, just the image isnt blended well, also i think you've over used the tech brushes, theres no need for the stuff in the middle and at the bottom, but maybe something more to the right hand side. I'd also get rid of the white text behind the trooper, he's the focal point there the contrast of the harsh white is too distracting. If it just had the dark background there it'd be much nicer, especially if u blend the trooper in more. I like the way u got the trooper pointing towards those circles =P nice, i like the font too, just i'd lower it a bit, maybe put it to the left a little, not sure. Anyhows good luck, i hope ive helped D:
Wow.. thanks for the advice. Yes, gimp does have layers and masking and all that jazz, its just that I don't know how to do the fancy stuff such as masking. I know how to work the layers very well though. The only downside is, that once I save the image and re-open it, I can't work with the layers, it flattens the image for some reason. I would have to re-do the entire sig. Lame. :no:
Here are two more than I was attempting on.

Thanks for all the advice guys :smile: .
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Mar 29, 2003
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The Netherlands
Hmmm with photoshop you can save the image as a special photoshop format (.psd files) maybe the Gimp has something like that too. After saving an image as .jpeg or whatever else, the image always gets flattend.
About your new sigs, well, The above one isnt that bad, I dont really like the font that much but the image is high quality and well cut, nice job on that.

The second sig isnt that good in my oppinion, the opacity on the images are a bit too low and the background isnt anything that spectaculair.
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Aug 20, 2005
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The opacity on those images of the mechs is 100% :/. I will have to look around for a different filetype then I guess. Also.. I made a really good looking Background (IMO), but its file size is close to 2 megs (O_O) so I am having trouble finding a place that will host it.
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Aug 20, 2005
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Yeah, I signed up but havn't gotten an e-mail.. been about 4 hours now.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 20, 2003
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Just save it as a jpeg. Or download PS. Here's a nifty little hint not many people know about... WAREZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, jk: Download the version of photoshop you want. I have the latest and version 7.0 there isn't much of a difference. So download what you want, you will get like a 30 day free trial. Use if for the free trial. Then when the trial is up, double click on the clock at the bottom right hand corner of the screen, then backdate your computer (all it will think is it's at a different date) like say January 1st 2002 or something, and you can use PhotoShop again. You just have to change the date on your computer each time you want to use it. Sure it's a hassle (a small one) but it's worth it.

P.S: Am I allowed to tell him that?
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💻 Oldtimer
Apr 14, 2005
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No you're not. You're teaching him how to prevent having to buy the program. :/

The sig looks pretty nifty. I think there's a little too much text though, especially on the left side. It's clashing with the image you used. The techno stuff you used on the right side is nice, but maybe a little overdone. Too many bars and stuff.

Also, a thin black border around the sig might look really nice also. :3

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