the truth about the world today...

The Duke of Juke
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Dec 24, 2002
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well, I'm not toing to close this even if it is a revival of a dead thread for the fact that is isn't revived out of spam. Any higher up may choose to do so if he feels appropriate.

in truth, all conflicts have the potential to be solved without violence. but when violence is all one side will listen to, you may have to take action and physically show them your point. unfortunately man can be stubborn and remain adamant when he feels he is in the right and will refuse compromise
New Member
Dec 24, 2002
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The problem with a democracy is that it doesnt fit well with capitalism. Business which is dominant in capitalism corrupts democracy. Democracy was meant to be with communism.
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Retired Forum Staff
Jan 6, 2002
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Off Topic: Heres a comforting thought:

No matter what we do, even if we released every single nuclear bomb at once, we wont destroy the planet. Us, yes, but the planet will survive. I mean Earth has actually been hit by another planet, next to that theres not much we can do. So if you're ever worried about the planet remember; it'll be just fine.

As for us..? Dunno. O_O

On Topic: The trouble with Communism is that it depends on the people in Government being good, honest people. And thats impossible, chances are one corupt person would get in and after that its only a matter of time for the whole thing to rot.

It's not that Communism's not good enough for us. We're not good enough for Communism.
New Member
Jun 18, 2003
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The world today is how it is people having wars for no reasons, fighting for fun, throwing garbage out on streets. That's how life is and i dont think people will change of course some people are nice helping polite but not most people especially on USA
I agree with you about war with Iraq I just think Bush attacked it because of what happened while his father was president. Oh he also did that for fuel and all can you beliave him USA already has tons of fuel but he wants more, ***

Oh and I follow some of your advices some

BTW: Turkish man are bad you have no idea how they live, how i know? I lived there and by Turkey
Sep 29, 2002
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We will all die someday anyway. No matter what you do, death will be waiting.
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Nov 17, 2002
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.....this topic is not about when we are going to die Renzo. It's about how we can make the world a better place. Thanks for not closing this down Miroku, I think this is quiete important. We can all start doing good by ourselves. I for one, post my article all over the internet and I hope that the people wo read it will think more about what they are doing. My article already had some effect on some people I know. And by just helping people, people will like you more and sometimes, they will follow your example.
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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this is life, its wierd and it's almost like a reflective dream sometimes. you think therefore you are.......

sound familiar?

reality is what you hear on the radio and watch on TV. right now we are in an electronic comfort zone, hey guys you got your new cel-phone and a new camcorder? the united states is based on an overall work ethic that leads to a convenience system. why do you think 40+% of americans are over-weight?

the "system" allows them to be further lazy, so they fight with what little heart they have left to help the system. your 9 to 5 slogans and other forms of motivational commercials push along the "stragglers"

we can only hope that god is planning to stop this madness. the government is filled with sick individuals who wield their power like a brand new car off the lot. im talking in circles because most of you already know. you just tell yourself your being "paranoid" and the whole system is here to "help" you as you enjoy your life.

Basically comfort zones get votes.

Bush is your typical republican. Believes in the nation's thirst for war and thirst for production. You look at World War 1 and World War 2. The technological advancements they made during these territorial struggles. Plus the population lowering they get aswell. Basically, an economic combo. Of course there is knowledge that is key in going to school, but overall you need to decypher the fake from the truth. it's not that hard, its called simple reasoning. the cause and effect ratio could apply.

why am i learning this? what will this thought process lead to?

they play out life to you as an adventure from childhood. they teach you respectable morals but leave common sense for the "government" to make judgements with.

i know you agree with what im saying, its more obvious than bumper to bumper traffic in the middle of a city.
New Member
Nov 17, 2002
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Your absolutely right! Now all we have to do is to stop this...

not that easy though. But there are many ways. I already gave some suggestions. Anyone else?
New Member
Feb 7, 2002
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Life is whatever you make of it. And what method of goverment we have give us more freedom to who we are and who we can become in our lifetime.In a perfect world anybody could become whatever they wanted, in complete freedom, but there is no such thing as a perfect world, as there will not be for a VERY long time. In my mind i dont see democracy as perfect, or even close to it, but it far better then the other current forms of goverment out there in my oppinion.

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