i have such a big mouth, i feel like completely explaining the thing! you mentioning the sword makes me feel like explaining how to use it, but i talk to much so i thin ki should chill now. oi, i was shown the enemy blocking by somone once, and figured out the rest from experience, i argued with almost 20 dif clan members abuot this as ive progressed in this game, i only use trunks, and have always i just recently began posting on this site and couldent find anything on the "glitch" anyyone was claming i was using, my friend sonkage and i playd on a lan and i drifted into him and oneday and i hit him down then back up withuot pressing w and vwalah or however you spell that shiznit. he picked trunks and after i explaind my method, showd me how to do it on acident, and learned the good and most useful intahit, (the hardest to do if you ask me) if i can master him i may change thou because soon after we learnd to use it in the many ways it can be utilised, we realised that because of how simple the usage is you can get out of hand and comletely out of control at high llvs, but thats only becasue just like in super spash bros and marth, if im doing my move right and using normal mele you should always loose to me when you are, mostly because if you attack me you have to be near me, and no matter what im always a step closer to you, even if your coming at me just because i have this one bar of range ^_^.oi i talk to much!!, does anyone else want to shed their insite into a chars depths? lik ewhy does goku have a penis hit box?