Suggestions for a new mode of play, and jumping

New Member
Dec 7, 2002
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Hey, what do u guys think about if u connect up the rosat (hyper bolic time chamber) up with kami's lookout, when u enter the hypo there is the old version of melee, where u can punch people, if ur training with them, or just hit air, like they do on dbz, when they train. You gain power, but if anyone comes in, you would be at a disadvantage, you would either be weaker, more tired, or it would take some time to stop. I wouldn't mind seeing this later on.

Also, have u noticed that when u do the cool jumps in esf, you go quite high, but it takes a while to come down. I would like it if u could do a smaller longer faster jump, like they do on the show. Goku does it on snake way and when he is racing that female kai after the cell saga. Its sort of a short jump going diagonally forward and u go quite fast if u build up momentum, maybe like bunny hopping(used in TFC).

It would also be cool if there was a homing disk, similar to that of krillens scatter beam, except that it wouldn't scatter, it might follow the strongest player, like frieza did to Goku. Of course to balance it out if you used zanzoken it would get confused, and u could lead it to take out the caster, or other players, if you were good enough.

Just my suggestions for now, Cya
New Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Hyper Bolic chamber is different but great all the same, but it would have to be quite a disadvantage cause if u can get stronger in there faster you'd find everyone inside all the time, but a timelimit could be used like if u get killed in there u cant enter again until 5-10min or something.
New Member
Dec 6, 2002
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With the jumping it would be cool if the longer you hold the space the higher you go.
So you can tap it for a quick hop or hod it to reach the current hight.
Just my oppinion.
New Member
Feb 17, 2002
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hold jump to jump higher is already in. they need to add more to the jumping it would make "ground" battle even better. hopefully they will work on it.

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