Spirit Bomb Idea

New Member
Oct 18, 2004
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I think this would be a helpful idea for the spirit bomb :cool:
While Goku charges up the spirit bomb, likely theres gonna be someone shooting ki at him or trying to melee him he should be able to have a special button for teleportation (disappear and reappear in the same spot) just to dodge incoming attacks. What do you think?
New Member
Aug 24, 2003
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well it would be quite balanced seeing as its a teleport it consumes quite a lot of ki
and while charging a spirit bomb you attract all the attention anyway with small bits of energy flying everywhere and a huge ball hanging in the sky...
then again it would look weird to have goku charging a spirit bomb while he is standing inside a kamehameha trail... and it wouldnt promote spirit bomb spamming much more than it is now. i like the idea
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 20, 2003
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Sorry, i have to say no to the idea,

1. because goku doesn't do it in the show, remember during the frieza saga, goku gets the hell beat ouit of him until frieza finds out why goku wouldn't attack, by that time it was too late

2. Because yes it would promote your SB using, and take up more ki, But because the SB takes no ki to make, it over powers the SB, it's strong enough as it is now

3. If you don't want people to notice as much, just use the spirit ball, the secondary form of the spirit bomb. (right mouse button)
New Member
Oct 18, 2004
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But remember in the buu saga when goku was making the spirit bomb and teleported when buu threw a ki ball at him and reteleported back to the same spot before anything happened to the spirit bomb.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 8, 2004
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I think Goku does this during the series or movies, I remember him teleporting around under the 'bomb but I can't remember when, i'll check later.

It's been suggested before but so's everything, that doesn't stop it from being a good idea. Seeing as SB basically makes you a sitting duck and flying takes up ki as does teleporting, I think it should be included for flying Spirit Bombs only. Also, I don't think it should make the player dissapear, just around the outside the perimeter of the SB so you don't dodge by much and you can't avoid big, long charged blasts. It would be possible to dodge instant-hit moves like lasers in this way too, which is good. Good idea, new guy :yes::yes:
Mar 27, 2004
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He does tele while using the sb in the kid buu saga, but he only did it twice so what you could do is make each teleport cost half your ki, don’t forget sb is one of the most powerful moves in the game so you dont want to over power goku...more so.
New Member
Dec 16, 2001
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Suggested and shot down before. I don't remember the reasoning, i think it was because it would overpower the spirit bomb seeing as it takes no ki, or it would be useless cause people would just detonate in front of you.

I don't remember the exact reason, altho i did like the idea.

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