Smoother Transformations

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Mar 12, 2003
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No I don't think the flash effect would look good at all. The whole point of this idea was so that you could actually see them transform.

Also, yes, hair does have one bone, which means you can't position each individual strand into place. Also, I don't think anyone has already noticed that Goku's hair DOES move up a bit.
The Krazy One
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Feb 2, 2002
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Well, of course there wouldn't be any lag, when a model fades away, all it is, is just a duplicate of the file (After-Image, there's no duplicate for a fading dead character), which basically is already in memory, so the game doesn't have to re-access the file. Now if it's a switch between two models, yes that would cause lag, on the server's side, because it'll constantly have to access both models for switching, then send that data to all the clients. This is why the ESF team has not done the fading in/out of SSJ for the Saiyan characters. I mean yes, the idea is good, but as I said before. It'll cause lag, not a termendous amount, but enough. 56Kers have to deal with enough lag as it is. You have to take into perspective, how long it'll take the load the model, how much packets are going back and forth from server-to-client, and the amount of detail the model has (polygon count, the skin, etc) You all just make a suggestion, without looking at it, at all possible angles. When you all make a suggestion, you all only think about that it'll work on your computer, or a group of computers similar to yours. You have to keep in mind, that not everyone has a high-end computer. Most users, still have, believe it or not, really low-end computers.

Well, that's my on-topic rant for today, I'm done.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Feb 17, 2003
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Auctally what this guy posted is PERFECTLY GREAT.

All it does is creates 2 models.
One model's alpha values will move down while the second ones moves upwards.
After the trans is done, the first model will be unloaded and the second one will be the player's model.
I totally agree with this suggestion.

There will be no lag. At most just a small fps drop on lower end Graphics cards.
New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Well if it does cause lag, there should be an option to turn it off, just like 3d powerup debri and high quality beams.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 24, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
actually it would work.... you seen models fade away when they die... well its the same only in its place another model is appearing... and it wouldnt cause lag, do you lag when somone dies and fades away? no and you could put 2 models in one spot
we dont know that yet though when you die you fade away for good you dont keep on fading in and out
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Apr 8, 2004
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Jimesu_Evil said:
Well if it does cause lag, there should be an option to turn it off, just like 3d powerup debri and high quality beams.
There is a difference. Rocks are sprites, these are models. I'm not sure it could be done, but I hope so :yes:
New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Um... No. 3D rocks are 3D MODELS, not sprites. Hence the "3d Powerup Rocks" thing. The idea is you're choosing between using 2d rocks and 3d rocks.

I just noticed something about what everyone is saying, and I don't know if I explained this properly:

When the transformation is completed, the second model disappears, it doesn't stay with the original model for the rest of the game. Therefore if there is any lag, it'll only be for the small time it takes to transform.

Just thought I'd clear that up in case anyone misunderstood.
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Jun 8, 2004
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Yeah I don't see this being any problem for anyone who isn't using onboard graphics, the lag caused would be comparable to two people dying at the same time and having their models fade, for me that's not even +1 ping/-1 fps. We know it's possible because of death models fading out, and applying that logic it's possible to reverse the process too.

Good job, Jimesu, looks like you cracked one of the bigger nuts on Suggestions.
Lost in space
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Feb 26, 2004
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Jimesu_Evil said:
That's a good idea, but the glowing sprite has to be the same shape as the model's hair from every possible angle, which is virtually impossible since sprites are 2d.

And yeah you're right Trunks and Dust, it would work. As Ravendust said, the afterimage models don't create lag, so why would this create lag? Now, if only an ESF team member would read this... :\
sprites can indead be 3d, i've seen it mutch times, all they have to do is making it in the technick like gohan's sheelt.
yes, sprites are 2d but it depens on witch way you see sprites.
i think you see sprites like pictures, they are in this way yes but what i sugested was like a glow that neads 6 sprites.
1) 1 in the hair
2) 2 around the hair
3) 2 for the glow effect
4) 1 for the fade effect.

i think there must be something tweaked though but the basic is here.
New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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Ah yes I see what you mean now. Yeah it could work, like the way the beams are. But it might not be entirely neccessary.
New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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Jimesu_Evil said:
Ah yes I see what you mean now. Yeah it could work, like the way the beams are. But it might not be entirely neccessary.
However it'd be a damn cool effect :p Especially with the glowing an all.
Super Moderator
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Dec 1, 2001
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Krazy-Killa said:
Hate to say it guys, but doing what Jimesu_Evil posted, would cause lag among the server, and the clients within the server. Because, basically, your changing the models, not the skins. Besides, this has been mentioned before, sad to say. It's a great idea, but it just wouldn't work for the Half-Life engine.
Killa, I don't know what you're talking about, but last time I checked, the ascended stages have their own <u>models</u> and transing doesn't involve just a <u>skin</u> change.
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Mar 12, 2003
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MajinDruu said:
However it'd be a damn cool effect :p Especially with the glowing an all.
Actually, now that I actually picture what it'd look like in my head, it would be an awesome effect. :laff:

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