NO SCOUTER :D Chec this out

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Oct 23, 2003
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I don't about you guy, but the only thing I hate about the radar is that you can't tell if an enemy is on top of you or at the bottom! This really pisses me off when I am playing the game. Though telporting a ton helps, can there be something do about that? By the way can there be something on the radar to tell you who has you on the melee target thingly. -P.S I have no idea how hard 1.2 is going to be, but it me it's going to sound like dam near impossiable to win.
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May 18, 2003
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Tonycoolest said:
I don't about you guy, but the only thing I hate about the radar is that you can't tell if an enemy is on top of you or at the bottom! This really pisses me off when I am playing the game. Though telporting a ton helps, can there be something do about that? By the way can there be something on the radar to tell you who has you on the melee target thingly. -P.S I have no idea how hard 1.2 is going to be, but it me it's going to sound like dam near impossiable to win.
it should have an arrow with a sound (beep) just like the anime

1 hour later :laff: I mean something like this...
New Member
Feb 2, 2003
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you can see if they he is on top of you if they are on top of you the dot is bigger and if hes on the bottom the dot is smaller
with sense there comes a flash on the screen or something like that and then you can see where he is by the white side of the screen
so hes left of you and you sense him the the left side of your screen turns white
New Member
Mar 19, 2004
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it will help you a bit.
and also cell used sense to find out where is 18,
abd i remember krillin using it when frieza attacked a namek village.
New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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RavenRage said:
There are a few changes I'd make...
1. It is like Turbo, where as long as you're sensing, it costs Ki.
2. You cannot sense while charging a beam, or can sense less effectively, as your concentration would be on the beam, not on your sensing.
3. It would look like below (obviously not exactly, probably a round, standard radar screen). Blue dots for friends, red for enemies, and a square around somebody charging. OR.... to make it more "realistic", a solid color for every character. Like, everybody is red. In the show, if they sensed somebody, they didn't know if it was friend or enemy unless they knew PLs of each person. This would even out the "charging" warning, since it would also show your friends charging, and you wouldn't be certain who to react to.

Well in the series they can sense wile charging an attac if sense chould cost Ki thads logical

I dont think thad in esf Ugot the time to look for hours at ur scouter to see when an enamy sharge an attack Sence would alerd u : witch is if understand about what tiger means
New Member
Apr 1, 2004
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the sence thing is a good idea
i dont like the part bout the charging up tho
gives too much away, plus u can tell if sum1 is charging a beam or sumthing
but sencing the enemys pl n making them glow (even thru walls n stuff) would b good
even if it showed teammates
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💻 Oldtimer
Apr 8, 2004
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Growing dots isn't good for marking how high the player is because it's already used to mark their PL
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💻 Oldtimer
Aug 2, 2002
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Amongst the dirty dutchies
i would like to give you an example of an idea i just came up with.

when you use youre scouter, and see someone charging an attack, why not let the scouter telling you if you can block the attack,

i got the idea of one of the first DBZ ep's
the one where goku and piccolo fight raditz,
raditz wasnt paying attention while piccolo was charging his Special Beam Cannon.
when it was near to complete you heard raditz yelling.
1420 i cant block that!!.
well i cant figure out how this can be implemented, but it was just an idea that popped up :)
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💻 Oldtimer
Apr 8, 2004
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Great idea! :laff: but i still think it should be implemented with the head of the attack after it's fired. :]
anyways i think that in order to solve the hight problem in the scouter players that are higher than you should look like an arrow pointing up (like - :yes: ) and players that are lower should look like an arrow pointing down (like - :no: )
New Member
Mar 1, 2004
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This idea is great, (except for sensing they're charging up an attack) I would love to see it ingame.

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