No More Basic Melee

Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 25, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
i just wanted to point this out as well while advanced melee DOES have ways to make your own moves basic melee is where its at to make the best strategies in this game in fact i just mastered my newest trick thats the beauty with basic melee although you dont think about it much there is alot more to be active in physically and mentally

youll never be good if you dont have a common strategy in this game
New Member
May 21, 2004
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I think basic melee would be more liked if double-hits weren't so frequently used. A basic melee hit isn't all that powerful, but the effect it causes (you go flying if not once, twice). Then you're susceptible for it all over again, or you're beamed to death if not turned into something edible.

I'm confident that 1.3 will have a likable change to melee, as well as everything else.
Lost in space
Jul 30, 2004
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Double hits are just another strategy. If you're good enough to not get hit, then you shouldn't have to worry about it. Basic melee is where the skill is at.
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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I was in a map once and someone was sitting in the corner charging spirit bombs and killing everyone. Thats unfair so lets take it out. I was once in a map where someone was charging KHH's and shooting it at random places and killing people, thats unfair so lets take it out. I was in a map once where all people did was use the hidden combos to get kills, thats unfair so lets take it out.
If you remove everything that is in some way unfair all everybody will be doing it flying around and chatting. Not very fun is it. Stop whining about what is unfair, get off your asses and practice basic melee and maybe you won't suck as much.
Lost in space
Jul 30, 2004
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Yeah! That's exactly what I've been saying! Except for the sarcasm! Yeah!
New Member
Dec 6, 2003
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yeah i see the only players who play always esf are noob.... or old player (skilled player ... my ass ..) who know only the basic melee ... I tried to play only with basic melee and i found that *** ... i played esf 1.1 a long time and i wasn t a noob but when the 1.2 was up , i was so happy ... but too much player play always same as the 1.1 so ... and the game is more easy for that (double hit , player who never use guard etc...)
I think ... for be "good / skilled / strong" in this game , we should only use basic melee for have 85 frag 5 death all the time RoXXoR powaaaaaa . oh i take a screenshot for my clan !! quick *screen* ohh iam so happy \^^/ this game roxx same me ^^
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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Ok make your own server, call it "NO BASIC MELEE" If someone uses basic melee then kick them. Problem solved.
I'm not in a clan and I don't take screenshots. Your stereotypes only apply to a small group of people.
Wherever you go you're gonna find people who spam some technique. Whether its because they're noobs who don't know anything else, or if they're professionals who find that is the best way. I only started playing since the beginning of 1.2 and I use basic melee because I find it effective and more exciting. I can also use advanced melee when I find it appropriate and I can also use beams effectively.
Instead of whining about how unfair ESF is, learn to use each method of combat and use each when you feel the need to.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 8, 2004
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Well said, you can't keep taking things out because you're not good at them. Practice a bit or learn to dodge and block better, there's no definitive strategy that'll work everytime. If someone swoops at you shoot them and/or teleport, it's that simple.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 25, 2004
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Detroit, Michigan
posted by bibi orunitia
yeah i see the only players who play always esf are noob.... or old player (skilled player ... my ass ..) who know only the basic melee ... I tried to play only with basic melee and i found that *** ... i played esf 1.1 a long time and i wasn t a noob but when the 1.2 was up , i was so happy ... but too much player play always same as the 1.1 so ... and the game is more easy for that (double hit , player who never use guard etc...)
I think ... for be "good / skilled / strong" in this game , we should only use basic melee for have 85 frag 5 death all the time RoXXoR powaaaaaa . oh i take a screenshot for my clan !! quick *screen* ohh iam so happy \^^/ this game roxx same me ^^
if im reading those first two lines right you basically insulted over 60 percent of everyone on these forums

anyway gokou and ravendust up there are right you cant take basic melee just because it seems cheap to you hey constant beam spamming seems cheap as hell to us ya little bastard <--- (just kidding)

anyway were not trying to take the beams out of the game are we? were not taking out the spirit bomb either just because you feel like going to the top of the map and exploit the invisible sb bug but hey if you want to complain about basic melee maybe me and the boys that all love basic melee (which i remind you is about 75 percent of the community) will start spamming threads about taking beams and advanced melee out hell well even take out the swoop we can just fly around with turbos all day attacking each other at high speeds of 2 miles an hour!!
New Member
Dec 6, 2003
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the community is so little now ... it was already that in esf 1.1 if i remember ^^
I like this mod because the team is bright (skin , gameplay -> throw / adv. melee / attacks / beams and cie...) sincerely so...
I said what i thought now , and i know i am not the one who think that ... but they must be the 25% of the community who don't do only that (the noobs if you prefer believe that)
so thx anyway for listened my english (iam weak with that too ... :p ) ^o^
i know a thing now ... Cs or Esf , it s the same , roxxor attitude powaaaaa
but it s the same for all the hl mods anyway :eek:)
bye and have fun~~ hmm have frags :p ^^
Lost in space
Jul 30, 2004
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Well, I have a feeling that this thread is done. Everything has been said.

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