new transformation idea

New Member
Jan 6, 2003
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This would be a temprary transformation thing. It would be more like another turbo if you will, where you can turn it "on and off".
some charecters would get it.
Like Kaio ken for goku, you hit a button, and your power and speed would increase, but you life would drain, he could only use it in his normal state(now you could have more power with the spirit bomb)
For ssjTrunks and ssjVegeta, they would go ultra saiyans, it would increase strength, but decrease speed to that of pretransformation.
I guess there could be others for other characters.
But all of these would only be ussuable in only one of the transformations.
If balance correctly, it could make the different charecters more unique. But each one, you would lose something to gain another, like speed, power, or health, to gain in one or two others.
You Kinda see what im saying? Its just an idea.
New Member
Feb 6, 2003
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I personally think this is how all of the saiyan transformations should be; temporary. When saiyans first turned SSJ, they couldn't keep it forever, and it burned ki, not doubled it.
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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no they wont change saiya-jin transformations to be different than everyone elses cause it would unbalance it and give different people advatages over others

transforming does burn ki but it doesnt burn alot so its not really noticable and it does not dubble ki at all.. every attack in transformed state takes 1/2 the ki to use so u dont have more u just arnt using as much..
New Member
Jul 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Hibiki
no they wont change saiya-jin transformations to be different than everyone elses cause it would unbalance it and give different people advatages over others

transforming does burn ki but it doesnt burn alot so its not really noticable and it does not dubble ki at all.. every attack in transformed state takes 1/2 the ki to use so u dont have more u just arnt using as much..
Amen, Brother...

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