New model just to show you that...

New Member
Dec 10, 2002
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I make this model to show the "stupid" guys that it doesn´t matter which "pics" u use as refs! For this model, I draw my own refs (I draw it without looking at any pics, so I haven´t to give credits to anything!) and I can´t see any "Quality" difference to the other models I made with using "Model- Pips" as refs!!!!
I really just make it, to show the "stupid" people that I "can" model, and that I must not use they ****ing model- pics as refs!!! Whatever, that shows you all that it dosen´t matter wich pics you use as refs for modeling, because it really "dosen´t matter"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But whatever, just for the "stupid" guys I will make till now always my own ref- pics, and so you won´t be anymore able to call me a "ripper" or whatever!!!!
Thats a really big example that the "stupid" guys are really stupid, and don´t know anything!!!!!!
The fools really thought that I just can model with they ****ing model- pics, hahahhahahahahhahahahahahaa!!!! Soooooooo stupid that they were/ are!!!!

To make this model (model and ref- pic) I maximal needed 90 min!!!
Hahahahhhahaaaaa!!! making models with own ref- pics is much easier, and the "stupid" guys told "using model- pics" as refs is very easy and "coppying", loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!
So much stupid that they were/ are!!!!!
Making a model with "model- ref- pics" it is much harder to make, and take more time!!!! You won´t believe me, but it is the truth!!!
I had would ever my own ref- pics, but I hadn´t any time before, but now I have, and I know that it´s much better to use my own ref pics, and not "model- ref- pics"!!! I really use "model-ref-pics" before, because I have never knowed that normal ref pics of myself would be much better than "model-ref-pics"!!!! And if I use my own ref pics, no "stupid" guy can talk me anymore a "ripper" or whatever!!! (But my argument, that using other model- pics as refs isn´t coppying is still always my argument!!!!!)

SO DO NEVER CALL ME A "MODEL- COPPIER" or "RIPPER" or whatever like that, because I am "NOT"!!!!!!!
New Member
Mar 18, 2003
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that chest looks familiair....I'm sure I've seen it before!
you ripper!
lol! just kidding!
looks good, kreshi!
you really ARE good
New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Jan 17, 2003
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You know.....your the only one making yourself look stupid with all your damn stupid talk.So chill ok because if you know you don't rip don't make a deal about it and ignore it that's what a wise modeler will do if there's an accusiation towards you. >_O

The model is awesome nothing I can't crit on.
Moving with Sonic Speed
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💻 Oldtimer
Jan 9, 2003
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Kreshi said:
**** **** **** **** damn, hell ass ***** **** **** **** **** double-**** tripple-**** stupid stupid damn hell ****.

Now that we have the cussing out of our system I suggest you edit that picture so that it complies with the vulgarity policy of the forums or we'll have to warn you and take it down for you.
New Member
Dec 10, 2002
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Is it OK now?

And I am modeling since I was starting modeling "Trunks Jr." (fan-fic)...

EDIT: WTF, can you see the new pic? Because I just see the old one, but I replaced it!!!!!

EDIT2: Now it works... :yes:

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