Multiple Ki Attack Bugs

New Member
Nov 9, 2002
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If you are firing a beam and you switch to another ability (weapon) the beam immediately explodes. Don't know if you guys wanted this effect or if it can even be fixed.

If you are charging anything, you can switch to another ability (weapon) and you won't release what you are charging (good way to scare people into thinking you are Kamehameha-ing). Again, don't know if this effect is wanted or if it can be fixed.

Piccolo's Scatter Shots do not form kiblobs when they all hit one general area.

You can use any other kind of beam to make a kiblob bigger or explode. (Bug or Deliberate?)

Kiblobs have no light source. This probably isn't a bug, and if it isn't I'm suggesting it should :D

If two spirit bombs are thrown at each other, sometimes they get stuck in one position forever instead of one pushing the other. Even though it looks cool, I think they should blow up eventually, what about you?

Also: Since the spirit bomb model/sprite, whatever was standing still, I got a good look at it, and it almost looks like there is a straight blue line at the bottom of it, the square outline of the model sprite maybe?
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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All of those are on purpose

Originally posted by KuBaN

If two spirit bombs are thrown at each other, sometimes they get stuck in one position forever instead of one pushing the other. Even though it looks cool, I think they should blow up eventually, what about you?
They get into a ps, and, because they take their energy from the earth, not from the player, it's easy to get 2 of them of the same strength, ps'ing eachother forever.

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