Morality in fighting

New Member
Dec 25, 2002
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1. definitly so, they allowed someone to knock them there so why not face the consequences ;)
2. i double team if i see a friend being hopelessly destroyed, otherwise nope
3. just one word, yes
4. ive been known to be an ass, but thats only because i get a kick out of people complaining about me hacking/various other ridiculous accusations, but if the server is full of nice people (sonic boyster, etc.) then no im not an ass
5. i tell all nubs to read the manual, if they dont know where it is, i try to explain, if they still dont get it i go on with beating the crap out of them :laff:
6. i never hit someone when they are transforming, unless they are being a total ass to me, i respect everyone else just like i like to be respected in the community
New Member
May 4, 2003
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Hmm... this sounds like a nice basis for a clan. Obviously more aligned with the "Good" side of things, since we're talking about combat etiquette and all. Still, I'm an evil *******, and I do all sorts of nasty things in order to win a game. I'm just a prick like that.

Except n00bs of course. I'll at least tell them how I'm beating them so they can give me a good fight. It's a game, afterall.
Retired Forum Staff
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 21, 2002
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1. yes
2. yes, i make the others go 2on1 against me
3. yes, coz if there are other people in the sever, my game is pretty fast paced and continuous... i'm not going to descend just to fight someone with low ki, when i know i have to take on others with higher ki after the fight with the low ki guy is dead.
4. no
5. if they ask nicely, i'll help.... if they scream "come on damnit i want help", then i'll beat the crap out of them and won't help
New Member
Feb 2, 2003
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1. yes and no, the point of the game is to kill virtual characters. I tend to try to kill people the most efficeint ways. but if the person im am fighting deserves it i will let them up and i will fight them.

2. Yes, and I dont ***** when I get double teamed.

3. No, I will take them on without going ssj. Unless the adverage PL of the server isn't going anywhere I will go ssj so that when people die their PL will raise faster.

4. no, i dont chat much on the servers... but if YOU like to chat alot your character is still a target in game to my eyes. Log on to AIM, ICQ, or MIRC if you want to chat.

5.Yes, i try to help as many newbs as possible since alot of them can be made alot better with just a little help and i like the compitition.
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 3, 2002
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1. Do you hit them when they are on the ground, lying there hopelessly?
Yes, because that means they either didn't manage their ki well during the battle and deserve it, or are one of those people who don't read the manual or my melee tutorial and don't know how to stop themselves from landing like that.

2. Do you like to double team when there are only 3 ppl on the server?
I try not to double team unless it's fairly obvious the targeted player is good enough to handle it. Let's face facts: most of the double teaming in this game is not a conscious effort, anyway. What I can't stand is when I am handling a fight perfectly well--or worse, having a close, tough one--and one of my buddies decides to "help me out" (read: still my kill and my PL).

3. Do you go SSJ when a guy comes in a server with low KI? And you perfectly know that you can take him out without going SSJ? I play Vegeta, mostly. So you've got to go once you earn it because otherwise the server will end. I almost always transform, though; sometimes if I am fighting someone who I am severely manhandling, I will descend and even it up a little. I also have been known to occasionally drop out of turbo and stop flying as I descend, feigning a lack of ki. hehe.

4. Is your personality a total ass in servers?
It depends who you ask. There are some nights when I'm getting serious BS, and I get rude. Like the other day while I was in some clan server where the admins where all those jerk-offs from clan Ox...

5. Do you feel compelled to not help out new players and just beat the crap out of them?
I do help them. I tell them to read the manual and it will explain everything. I get the same answer every time: "i don hav eit"...yeah, okay pal, even though IT COMES WITH THE GAME. I even wrote the melee tutorial for them. Of course this has not helped. So I just tell them to read the ****ing manual, and if they have some lame excuse (one kid said "i can't read," and everyone in the server made fun of him by pointing out that the manual's animated), I don't fight them but if they have the nerve to hit me I break them in half.

6. Do you hit them while they transform? Usually, hells yes, because a lot of the time the people I fight are equal with me and if they transform before I can, I have almost no chance. Although if I'm just flying by and I see some guy transforming, I won't hit him.

Quick side note: All the people in the middle of this thread who bragged about being able to "own" multiple opponents at once...yeah, that's all block-counter exploits. Fighting more than two people at once is VERY difficult if you don't use any of the exploits in the game (which I don't). So don't be surprised if a lot of supposedly hardcore players start to get tossed around the map after 1.1 fixes up the melee...hehe.
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✔️ HL Verified
Jan 4, 2003
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I have my own rules for this game.

1. I fight just like in the show (most of the time ;D), wich means i sometimes let them up and somtimes attack when they down.

2. I double-team only if the other person has ascended or beating the sh!t out of a teammate.

3. I always descend if the other is not a ssj yet (unless 2v1 on me).

4. I just beat the hell outta people who act like an ass (meaning im not an ass).

5. I always help a n00b out :).

6. I always let them transform so they can actually be a challenge to me :).

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