NO! you dont need to import all the animations into the same timeline
just make sure all of them are named in the QC file (edit it with notepad)
it will appear after you decompile the model
hoping u didnt delete all the unneccecary smd files for editing the character'sname.smd file (like all the other animations)
unless you want to edit the animations themselves
in that case also - NO!
dont import all the smds into 1 smd's timeline, becuase esf needs to call with its functions to every animation speratly
like when your walking in esf, you wont want it to start running when your only
walking but the animation has finished, lets say after 5 seconds of walking the model
will start running, now this will look very stupid and wont match the situation
I hope this answer helps you with your problem, whatever that is
good luck