Macbook Pro... hmm?

whereswarren (King_Vegeta)
💻 Oldtimer
Jun 6, 2004
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I don't really expect you to listen to this, but I've used macs and PC's for 2d and 3d work- and I still come back to PC's. There are certain differences in photoshop and maya (though you use max right?) that just didn't make the mac versions feel as efficient. Things like not being able to scroll through blending modes in Photoshop with the arrow keys (you have to individualy click each one.) I'm not gonna go on about it because I'm kinda busy atm.
Maya is also a bit inferior on macs, it suffers from a few weird bugs that can cause lock ups, all the way through to crashes. Maya on my PC has not yet failed (aside from times I ask a little too much of my hardware.)

Which brings me to the next point- hardware.

PC = more for less.

Mac = more for... brand... name?

We had a guy from Pixar visit my collage when I was going through school, he chose only to come to our collage and talk because we were the only ones in the state being trained on PC's in Maya.

Food for thought- mid industry loves the shiny white **** because it's good for face value, professionalism. High industry just want efficiency / profit, guess what they use :p ?

Blah Blah rant, just trying to help.

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