Keep things interresting -----> PL

Good idea..?

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New Member
Jun 3, 2003
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I think it would make the ESF mod better to use PL more..

What i am talking about is the effects..
For example, when you charge your energy, you see dust flying and rocks floating.. When you transform you affect a larger area shortly, but after that it kinda stops..

What the series was very much about was how strong the characters are.. you see the effects of their PL A LOT when watching the show..
Now i am not some n00b that wants large earthquakes, cracks in the ground, trees flying etc, (not possible with the halflife engine, would lag the server, bla bla bla) but i do think that the way it is now could be improved..

For example, spread the charge effects a lil more..
When the character starts and charges, let just a little dust fly around..
When his PL rises, make more dust fly up..when he gets even stronger, make a couple of rocks float.. When you get uber strong, make em disintegrate when in the air, etc etc... since you have to look at your opponent charging quite some times, i think this would REALLY be an improvement..
Or the boost.. they could do it in such a way, that when you have a high PL and turn on your boost, you make some dust spread outward once.. so just a short wave of dust.. (And yeah they can do cool things with dust, look at piccolo's first transformation.. :D)

These are just examples, but i think they would keep the game more interresting, it would show the characters' strength in more ways then just the size of their beam-explosion, or the damage they deal.. It gets kinda boring after most of the peeps on the server have transed.. :(
In short: :warning: Spread PL effects over a larger PL count :warning:

And before that gets mentioned again, i am sure they could do these kinda things without the server lagging too much. Just small things:yes:

If this has been suggested before, don't come nagging about it, disregard and if you are a mod, delete the thread.. "I used the search button and didn't find anything.." :S

Anyway, just a thought that popped up.. comment if you like..
I'm going to bed now.. :tired:


New Member
May 9, 2003
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It'd be nice to have the powerup aura bigger and more impressive as your PL increases. It'd give you an impression of just how powerful (or not) your opponent is.
New Member
Jun 23, 2003
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sounds good but i believe the bigger efects when powering up has been sugested before but not in as much detail as u jsut posted
New Member
Jun 15, 2003
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Perfect, man. Excellent suggestion. I was just discussin' with a pal o'mine about some extra features that should be added, related to the PL, and saw this post hahah just perfect. I really don't think that theese dust effects would reduce the frame rate. About the rocks and boulders, just a few things to say:the Bigger the PL, the Bigger the rocks (in size and quantity)... but bigger rocks would probably cause frame rate/lag problems :(
New Member
Jun 23, 2003
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well i dont care bring on the bigger frame rates if its only when u trans thats like 10 seconds of the game... big deal and u deseve to get lagg from watching it if you still using an Amestrad :D

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