:\ I saw it and i have too say that Microsoft blew a genuine opportunity to truly make me wanna buy an Xbox360 with that crappy MTV show. If all they had to show for themselves were games already being reported on online and the evolution of the systems design, then they are already swimming in the same pool as the doomed Dreamcast (which I still play to this day). The graphics in the games they showcased were pretty but they were not a quantum leap that I would have expected from such a powerful machine espically the tony hawk and tiger wood games extrmely dissapointing. And some of the games were just pre-rendered scenes like the new madden, those werent even in game shots like it was stated going around the net.
Honestly, Im really starting to think they jumped the gun by releasing the system so early in comparison to its rivals Nintendo and Sony. Lest we not forget the next system from Big-N has already promised free online gaming (in some form which we have yet to see), but they have also PROMISED that their next system will completely change the way we experience gaming.
Im sure Sony will impress me though, so far they have only made one main announcement for their system and it has shaken the electronics market to its core. The cell processor has already been hyped like the next coming of Jesus and if it can do what the designers claim it an then the Xbox 360 is already underpowered. Not to mention everyone already knows for a fact that the system will be backwards compatible with PS One and PS2 software as well as the revolution will be too.
I really hope the best for Microsoft as a current Xbox owner but I am very skeptical as to wether or not they will be able to fend off their competition which will both be upping the graphical muscle as well as the feature loaded machines they will no doubt bring to the table next year. I am not saying the Nextbox will be a graphical slouch but when compared to it competitors who now know what they are dealing with, they will no doubtedly be shooting for higher stars, and both have more experience and know-how. But i guess its still too early to pass judgements maybe the outcome will be better at E3, but overall im just kinda dissapointed with everything about it except a few hardware elements, other then that it just seems exactly like what sony and nintendo called it, xbox 1.5.