Idea for pl, damage, life, etc

New Member
Mar 20, 2003
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I have a few suggestions for power level increases, damage recieved, life and ki, explosion size.
For pl: if you and someone of the same power level fight then each time you damage them your power level goes up so much like it does now. Now if you were attacking someone that has like 1/2 or less of your power level then it goes up less. If you were attacking someone 2x your pl or so, then it goes up faster(to some extent to where there is a maximum increase).

Damage Recieved: If your power level is higher than your attack, then you should recieve less damage than normal since you are stronger than them. If your power level is less then you recieve a bit more damage.(only so much increase/decrease to a maximum)

Life and Ki: For every (example) 100,000 pl increase your ki and life maximum should increase a few points so they go up a bit with your pl.

Energy attack explosions:(i am not fully sure if there is or not, srry if there is) For all the energy attack there should be a maximum explosion radius so people dont just blind fire at some level or another and always hit someone when they aren't even really aiming at them.(example: the kamahamaha makes a pretty nice sized explosion when your getting a high pl to a point where you dont really have to aim.)
[note: srry if any of this was mentioned before but...yeah]
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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All of those things are already in except for the life thing. The Life meter couldn't increase, because people who are of equal power level always do the same amount of damage. If their life bars increased too, people with around 25,000,000 PL would have to hit each other for a long time before anyone died.
New Member
Nov 29, 2002
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But wouldn't that make it better? In DBZ fights never ended with one kamehameha or final flash.
New Member
Mar 20, 2003
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Still i think that life should be increased every 1 or 2 mil pl. Also it is annoying when everyone is getting strong and one attack kills you and several other people at once lol. So im still not sure if the damage thing is in the game or not
Moving with Sonic Speed
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Jan 9, 2003
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No, the damage thing is in the game, and that's why someone who is powerful can kill a bunch of people an himself like that. Beam size increases as you become more powerful than the rest of the players on the server. Damage also increases accordingly. If someone is twice as powerful as everyone else on the server, he will do about double damage and his beams will be almost twice as large, though there is a cap on how big the beams can get.
New Member
Nov 27, 2002
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Well, in that case, the cap needs to be lowered somewhat. It gets a bit mad when someone takes the lead in pl (for whatever reason): it shouldn't be so easy to kill someone. I'd be happier if there was a maximum damage cap for indirect damage (i.e. 50 hp): you should be rewarded for getting the beam's head to hit someone.
Moving with Sonic Speed
Retired Forum Staff
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Jan 9, 2003
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Ah, a liberal. Damage on the edges of beams is already a significant amount less than it would be being hit head on. However, I do think it should be reduced by about 1/2. I don't agree with taking something away from people who do well enough to earn that heavy PL though. People should just gang up on him if they don't want him to keep his advantage.

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