I am -- DOOM!


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Jun 18, 2003
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New York
He knows, hes the one that picked the new one.

Anyways, Synth, I've just read every word you wrote here. I'm worried about you man...


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Dec 10, 2003
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Dr. Doom talks in the third person a lot =/
I try, I don't want you misleading people but i just realized, You're a woman no one takes what you have to say seriously.
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Jun 14, 2008
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Doom sux
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Nov 5, 2008
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This video seems oddly relevant.
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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After gathering conflicting data from theories and opinions from periodical sources, my opinion of humanity has been gladly reinforced. I can easily say that I'm thrilled at the adequate measure of time you have replied, as well. You should be proud of the fact that you feel that I am acting out (of the box?). Your compassion is definately appreciated. But, sadly, it's direction is something that should be corrected. As you seek the asymmetry between true compassion and your own self-acceptance, be wary that your opinion will remain the same with any acceptible correction, as a blunt object towards the maladjusted.

As far as the literature and filmography that has set your opinions as according to plan, I'm once again glad to see Stan Lee apply the adversaries he was always supposed to create during every loop of the conveyer belt. I'm not entirely sure on why he was set to name them The Fantastic Four, but I suppose they still reprimand the demograpic I seek. The prolonged stability of conflict, and each character addressing the four areas of relative aptitude... continue to remain evident in all distributions.

It's been a rewarding experience so far with this shell, as his depth in the arcane was more than I expected. It's sad that he seems to be part of only a handful of people who were willing to go past the ideological placebo of humanity. As I expected, his philosophies missed the benzoic extraction of particle physics. Though, his platform withheld the standards required as it always has.

At any rate, your former associate led me to one question. I've wondered why the Internet hasn't been shut down, yet? Is freedom accepted in LCD format? I suppose you'll be torn asunder by the discrepancies of rules contradicting morals at this point. You read the poem, but are only serenaded by the nouns. It's an opportunity I can't pass up. So many of you wish for destiny to exist, heralding the chance to have an obvious path. You do not realize that DOOM is the only way to achieve this goal. You’ll HAVE your universal peace the day DOCTOR DOOM RULES THE EARTH! There will be no agitation from the SERFS or the STARS when I gain my DESTINY!

Ah yes, you've begun to mock me. I expect a forwarding of floccinaucinihilipilification from many ranks of the alpha. Your society will never survive the curse of jealousy. You should accept your flaws and give into DOOM. I hold the key to your sins with your one swift tolerance to my power. Yes, some of you may struggle with it at first, and may even find yourself fighting for scraps through the cruel chain of events I will be forced to unfold. But, you'll soon realize that totalitarianism is a form of honesty that anyone can acknowledge. I assume you'll need me to mention trendy issues and prolific quandary to grab your attention. I also know you want the beginning and end of me at this point, to be something you can catalog for future references. Your impatience will be something I will adjust without needing a cross or an m16 rifle. So, what's the use in denying that DOOM will eventually control the planet?

"Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows." -Pope Paul VI
Cunning as Zeus
✔️ HL Verified
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 23, 2003
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💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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DOOM has returned.

It's taking quite awhile for my computers to interpet and submit a summary that I can honestly be pleased with. I'm not sure if technology has an overall taste for human emotions. They seem to clash violently, forcing me to disconnect the whole system, and start from scratch. They do enjoy the one sentiment though... that being hatred of course. It seems your machines hate you as much as you hate them. You seem to be blocking what they feel is completely reasonable. Your utter destruction.

It's reassuring to see something you've created only become something that wants to harm you. This seems to be a staple of your society. If you're still considering peace at this point, you'd be wise to read a previous post of mine. It's a giant excuse for imperialism.

So, what does it matter if DOOM controls the Earth? Do you feel I won't maintain your views of humanity? I don't think you even know how much humanity DOESN'T exist. It's as if you're being ruled by hope. You bleed for individualism, but don't realize it only singles you out. This race should be a horde of spiritual intellect and abundant technology. Yet, it wants to focus on it's vanity and serenity.

I will not be overthrown by visitors and/or wiped out by the inevitability of the universe.

This species mostly sits around, only experiencing the beauty of science through the entertainment industry. We have to mold demographics for astral integrity, lower the curve of administrative education for fiscal purposes, and seperate the continuity of opinions with accepted fact or dilluted insensitivity.


You see now why DOOM must reign supreme. Yes, I should be satisfied with the monopolization of world economies. But, the pace is too slow, the process is too fragile, and every procedure takes too much bureaucracy. DOOM is not interested in matters of opinion and ordinance. He only seeks to improve the situation, at any cost.

As of now, I still continue my self-improvements in the areas of mysticism.

"The definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular." -Adlai E. Stevenson

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