To sum the article up for those unwilling to read it, there was a period in time in which humans existed in isolated groups for a period of 50,000 to 100,000 years. During the late stone age, technological expansion and population explosions caused humans to reunite the line and prevent humanity from splitting off into two separate species, so to speak.
Extremely interesting if you ask me. Yes, you have to be a believer in evolution to accept this, lets please not dwell on that.
To sum the article up for those unwilling to read it, there was a period in time in which humans existed in isolated groups for a period of 50,000 to 100,000 years. During the late stone age, technological expansion and population explosions caused humans to reunite the line and prevent humanity from splitting off into two separate species, so to speak.
Extremely interesting if you ask me. Yes, you have to be a believer in evolution to accept this, lets please not dwell on that.