Ki Based right? How much of a difference is a difference?like 1000 000 vs 1000 010 really a difference? Or is it based on the blue bar rather than the actual Ki you have in numbers?
1v1 a low transform chr has a HUGE advantage on a high one! Just played a game of cell vs trunks and once the dude went SSJ I couldnt touch him melee, only if I teleported behind him and nailed him :/
Being Ki based means that once one chr has the upper hand the other has no chance, I suppose it follows the show more closely but it makes it no fun at all. Is the system gonna change at all?
1v1 a low transform chr has a HUGE advantage on a high one! Just played a game of cell vs trunks and once the dude went SSJ I couldnt touch him melee, only if I teleported behind him and nailed him :/
Being Ki based means that once one chr has the upper hand the other has no chance, I suppose it follows the show more closely but it makes it no fun at all. Is the system gonna change at all?