Help with SS4 Gogeta

New Member
Apr 23, 2003
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i just download a gogeta pack off redsaiyan and it came with a normal gogeta, a ssj gogeta, and a ssj4 gogeta to replace goku, and i dont know where to put the ssj4 gogeta.mdl
New Member
Apr 29, 2003
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U use one or the other. If you want to use ssjgogeta, just put it in the ssjgoku folder. For the ssj4gogeta rename it ssjgoku and put it in the ssjgoku folder. (i'm gonna talk to spin about adding a help text to the zip. Explaining is starting to get annoying)
New Member
Feb 24, 2003
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I personally think we should stop explaining this stuff. People should use a little common sense when dealing with this stuff.

"Oh my god! I want to use a trunks replacement model, but I don't know how do it!"

"Well, open up your ESF folder in your Half-Life directory . . ."

"Really? Wow! What else?"

"Well, see that folder named models? Open that one"

"Wow! Really? I wouldn't have thought it would involve opening that folder!"

"Now, open the folder that says: 'Player'"

"oh, really? Now what?"

"Now see the folder that says: 'Trunks?' Place the model that's named trunks.mdl in there, overwriting the other one in there. Then take the ssjtrunks.mdl and place it in the ssjtrunks folder. Hey, did you ever notice how .mdl is spelled similarly to the word 'model?'"

"Wow! Really?"

Common sense people! Not to mention there are a million sticky notes posted at the top of this forum.
New Member
Apr 23, 2003
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hey dont call me stupid lol, i knew that but there was 3 things and 2 gokus, i didnt know if it was for later when they were making a new transformation or what u had to do with the last one, but i got my answer from ImpTaimer

Edit: Plus you didn't need to go through all that to say that big long convo thing, and i would have used search but the *** thing never came up with anything...
New Member
May 8, 2003
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Don't get down Mr. Drew some people are always awkward. If he dosent like helping people i suggest he avoids the help section of the forum.

Any how here is where your models go (C:\Sierra\Half-Life\esf\models\player).

Sounds go under (C:\Sierra\Half-Life\esf\sound) - player and level sounds

.WAD files go under (C:\Sierra\Half-Life\esf) - used for new textures fo levels.

640(player name).tga go under (C:\Sierra\Half-Life\esf\gfx\vgui) - edits player picture and text.

.bsp go under (C:\Sierra\Half-Life\esf\maps) - new levels

(C:\Sierra\Half-Life\esf\gfx\env) is where all other .tga files go.

I hpe this was useful.
New Member
Feb 1, 2002
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i dont want to be a nuicense but i dont think some of you guys know how much n00bs are around that can hardly open a folder, they can only play games!!!dont f*ck with them they are in this world and deserve as much respect as the esf team and the model makers do!!The help section is for questions like this, i have to say i would like it if some people use the search button more but still come on help = help and this was help!!!! So Wing Zero 0 notr everyone is as smart as you are!!
New Member
Dec 9, 2002
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he's right. a friend of mine wanted to play esf but he coul'dn't find the sierra folder, so i told him to use search. he didn't even know that option was availeble on the pc.
i we teach the n00b's how, one day they will pass theyr knowlidge to others.:) so one day everybody knows how, and everybody can play ESF. and so the world will be a better place!:cry: :cry: :cry:

so help the n00b's and make the world a better place..

thank you:p
New Member
Nov 3, 2002
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i have a problem with ss4 gogeta i get the norm gogeta to look fine and all but when i tranform it goes to normal goku.....can anyone help?

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