Happy birthday FreeDoM!!!

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Jun 30, 2003
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Happy... birthday? So this makes today the day you were born on. So the day you were born on is today which makes it your birthday. But if you were born 23 years ago on a Tuesday, and its now on a thursday, how does it be your birthday? Or does it count by the day of the month it falls on? So, If Jan. roll by again, what ever day your birthday is on will be, your birthday? So that means you were born on January 6th? So on the 6th is the day you were born, and not the 5th, or 7th? That means... that you're now 23 which means you were born 23 years ago on a day such as a birthday. That must mean that everytime a year goes by and it lands on that date, it's your birthday. Hm... i don't get it.

Happy Day Thing o_O

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