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I hope I just didn't make a second thread about this...I used the search engine and didn't find one so I'm assuming that there hasn't been one yet..

I'm sure most of you know Boston was shut down because of 2 of my fav. characters in the show...

It's all a marketing campaign for their movie that's coming out in March and they freak out cuz they thought they were bombs...What cracks me up about this is the fact that they are calling them "packages" ...It's a bright light board with them on it! I can't believe they thought it was a bomb...I'm just baffled even at the IDEA that they could ever THINK it was. "it had wires and batteries..." Good point but you're missing one KEY element to an IED...EXPLOSIVES! It's a freaking bright light board with batteries so it can stay lit for hours!

Here's the best part...they did it in 9 other cities and all except Boston did what? Nothing! They've been doing it for 2 - 3 weeks b4 Boston exploded...Boston's said they freaked out cuz of 9/11 scar...ok sure but explain that to New York...They did it there and NY didn't even think twice about it. They said "meh" and moved on. Cmon! Someone back me up here..

Does this look like a bomb???

New Member
Feb 23, 2006
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Yup, looks like a bomb to me.. I'd call the police if I ever saw one of those..

I once saw one of these, it blew up my grandmother.. Sad story, still left a scar :(
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💻 Oldtimer
Mar 25, 2002
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Estonia, Tallinn
Now the next ep of Aqua Teen Hunger Force will have like 3 times more viewers :p

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