I got a simple suggestion, but I am not sure if it can be done with HL.
Set it up so that the player has to build up their power level through
fighting and have that level autosave for the player or the model.
You could have it so either online play builds power levels or have both
online and bot games build up power levels.
Like the old PSX game DBGT Final Bout.
If you could figure out how to keep people from cheating, it would probably
get a lot more people playing online and end the question of who ownz who.
You would also have to lower the rate of power increase per kill or fight,
or change the way power levels increase. So you can stop a beam junkie
from or camper from increasing power and get more melee fighting if you want. Lower the power level for suicides and have the power increase
saved only for completed matches. Give nothing for quiting in the middle of a fight.
And to make it really interesting, give the all of the models all of their
transformations and the ability to go through all transformations depending on power level.
Set the power or points level for each transform level high, so its not so easy
to go from SSJ to SSJ2 and so on.
Set it up so that the player has to build up their power level through
fighting and have that level autosave for the player or the model.
You could have it so either online play builds power levels or have both
online and bot games build up power levels.
Like the old PSX game DBGT Final Bout.
If you could figure out how to keep people from cheating, it would probably
get a lot more people playing online and end the question of who ownz who.
You would also have to lower the rate of power increase per kill or fight,
or change the way power levels increase. So you can stop a beam junkie
from or camper from increasing power and get more melee fighting if you want. Lower the power level for suicides and have the power increase
saved only for completed matches. Give nothing for quiting in the middle of a fight.
And to make it really interesting, give the all of the models all of their
transformations and the ability to go through all transformations depending on power level.
Set the power or points level for each transform level high, so its not so easy
to go from SSJ to SSJ2 and so on.