Tsk Tsk.
By the way. If I am not mistaken the reason Linux has no such problems is because it is not very used by a lot people. It's also mostly used for business and anything else related to this. If people somehow do convert to Linux and the tables turn, I can assure you it will have problems such as viruses A.S.A.P.
But here is another problem to what you just said: Just how poor is your PC that you need to go without an antivirus to keep a good performance? I mean really they do cause performance "issues" but to most PC's they are barely noticeable if they even occur at all.
From what I see most of the problems you have are your fault. So it's a bit weird to blame the windows 7 for it. Just saying.
Not everyone has the money to get a mid to high end pc. Don't judge people just because they can't get a computer with a quad core 2.3+, high end nvidia, with more than 2 gigs of ram. I don't have the highest paying job atm, even though it's IT work.
I didn't say windows 7 blew just that it is slow for me. I also said that I knew windows 8 was gonna blow from the get-go. Why? Because it's combining various interfaces into one operating system to be used on touch pad computers, phones, and tablet devices. You thought they would get it absolutely right the first time? But in a somewhat related note, I've had more problems with windows 7 and vista's own updates than anything else. Seriously, alot of the updates **** themselves up on more than adequate and even brand new computers.
Lastly, I work as an IT Technician for a business started by my step dad 2 years ago. A very large majority of the problems I get in include A/V's bogging down the systems cpu capabilities (even on quad cores), networking problems (seriously, Mcafee and Norton seem to stop alot of computers internet connections cold), and general system stability (blue screens). It's fine if you want to defend windows, but don't be condescending while you do so. I was stating my opinion, not half making fun of you for being poor.
And whether or not Linux -could- have these problems, doesn't change the fact that they don't. At the very least, not in my experience.