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Source:,0,2428225.story?track=rssFurious at state leaders over how they collect and spend money, the North Lauderdale City Commission is pushing to have Florida divided into two states: North Florida and South Florida.
The boundary line would run from Palm Beach County down through Monroe County.
The North Lauderdale Commission has sent out 306 resolutions asking other municipalities and counties to join in the effort.
North Lauderdale Commissioner Rich Moyle said Tuesday that he knows darned well it won't happen. But he said it's the principle and "to stir something up."
"It's based out of frustration with the state Legislature ignoring the cities in South Florida," he said. "They don't really care too much what happens with South Florida with the cities and being able to survive. It's just a statement, I believe -- doing something this huge, it would take a long time."
Tonight the city of Margate takes up the issue. Its resolution calls for "its citizens to sever the ties that said citizens have with the State of Florida and formulate and establish their own state of the Federal Union of the United States."
Said Margate Commissioner Art Bross: "We're sick and tired of it, of Tallahassee sending down unfunded mandates without sending the money and on top of it, then telling us we can't collect the money from our residents. I'm irritated. I really feel this way. I understand their problems up there with the bad times we're having now. I can understand, but we've had recessions before, and if you use your head you come out of it."