Favorite Anime, Part X

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Oct 2, 2002
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Revitalized Prince said:
I don't care for Chobits, AT ALL. I think it's a short, patchy.... SOFT PORN, with a perversely disoriented main character. The show lacks plot, and a lot of it.
Thank god, somebody who agrees with me. The fundamentals of that show are disgusting. The idea of people falling in love with machines which are created to "love"/obey them always is really sad and rather twisted, although you know it'd happen if there were real "Persecons" (or whatever the label is.)

The problem isn't that they threw that up there, because it's truth, the problem is that at the end of the show they tried to pass it off like it was OK and that it doesn't matter who you love, yadda yadda. . . I'm afraid that in some cases, it really does matter who you love, particularly if your girlfriend has a 3 year warranty and needs to recharge her batteries every day. I mean, why the hell would anybody want a real girl if you could just have one that looks like one (probobly better than most), talks like one, and his completely devoted to you. Didn't they even go at length in to show to portray how badly the machine screwed that chef guy up? And then they turn around and act like it's all good?

The main character had a choice between molesting some short high school girl with enormous hooters, or molesting Chi, who he found nearly brainless and acted practically as a FATHER FIGURE for, making it seem even more repulsive that he wanted her diminutive pre-teen-looking android-booty.

I just really don't like the "Complete Loser Thrown Into an Improboble Situation with Babes Who Somehow Love Him" shtick that they use in shows like Tenchi, Ah! My Goddess, and Chobits here. Although I have a little* more respect for Tenchi.


Right now I'm watching Samurai Champloo and Naruto. Top five favorites would maybe be Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, anything UC Gundam, Naruto, and BEYBLADES!!~!!~!!~@!#~!#~!ONEONEONE

Kidding. Probobly Kenshin or Evangelion.
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 5, 2003
Best answers
1.Initial D
2.Trigun/gundams (EXCEPT FOR SD)
3.Detective Conan
4.Love Hina
6.All other Toonami animes
Same as Hitikori

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