1) 4 Sets of 60 push ups followed by a final set where I try to max out my number of push ups
2) 2 sets of 15 handstand push ups and then 3 sets of 35 of what someone told me were called chinese push ups. I doubt this is the actual name, but I like doing them.
3) 3 or 4 sets of as many pull ups as I'm able to do (which at this point is 14, but I'd like to be able to do 20 by July)
4) 1000 Squats. Depending on how I'm feeling, I'll hold 50 lb free weights and try to do 500. If I can't, whatever.
5) 1500 sit ups (not all in one go, although I think I'd be able to if it was for a test or something)
6) Various free weight exercises. Honestly, I don't really have a routine for this. I basically work out whichever parts feel like they need to be worked out.
7) 4 sets of holding out 40 lb free weights for 2 minutes, or more if I'm able to. At the moment, I pretty much max out there.
8) Horse stance position for as long as I can hold out. I haven't timed this as I usually just watch television while doing it (I get bored just staring at a wall and counting o.0), but I'll get around to it eventually.
9) I run 3 miles a day in 16 minutes. I'm trying to get the number as low as possible. Even if I can't, I'm already ahead of everyone I know.
I'm not big into using weights. When I need to, I'll use my free weights, but I never bench or use machines. My reason? A lot of the people I've come across who use machines all the time get pretty big, and can bench incredible amounts of weight, but when it comes to actually fighting me, they're slow, get tired easily, and really aren't all that strong, judging by how they hit me. I'm training for the Marines, and I feel that at this point, you'd have to have trained a good amount of time to be able to kick my ass. I like to talk a big game, but I'm also a fan of being able to back all of it up.
I don't exercise to look good. That just comes naturally. I don't exercise to be huge, like Roids aka Walmart.
I do all of the above during my work week, and I rest on the weekend. I tend to run after I wake up, which is around 3 or 4am, because there aren't very many people around. People tend to get nervous when they see someone sprinting around here. If I've injured myself, which rarely happens, I'll take another day off during the week. No more than that, though.