★ Black Lounger ★
✔️ HL Verified
🚂 Steam Linked
💻 Oldtimer
I win.
Thanks to EC for making this possible.
Sonic? Even though he might go SSJ, he's no match for Vegeta.
A hammer? As long as it ain't a banhammer, I should be OK.
Unfortunately, his hands are too short.
That guy is jumping directly into the Final Flash. Good luck.
Naruto? Against DBZ character?
Weed. The duration of a fight depends on how much weed there is to smoke.
Some peaceful animals... DIE! Thanks for these images though.
Not sure what's that but there shouldn't be anything left after Final Flash's explosion.
The car goes BOOM!
You might think it's a pirate at first but those are normal glasses. And they're gonna be broken.
Kid Buu. You might be stronger than Vegeta but you fail in this case. No candy attack can overpower a good charged Final Flash.
These should be easy to dodge, but I don't even have to.
A transformer? LOL.
Seems weak.
Too bad you're from Cell Saga.
Might be the greatest challenge so far. J/k. It's dead.
Who to kill?
Same as with Kid Buu. If I was shooting Gallic Gun, you might have had a chance.
You look pretty funny and and I don't want to destroy you. But I have to.
I wonder what's that. Well, I can't really tell since there's nothing left out of it now.
A gun? Energy attacks FTW.
Gordon Freeman might be the best Video Game Hero, but Vegeta's the best anime hero and it kicks your ass.
You're in my top 10, but you're flying in a wrooong wayyy...
Bleach?.. is dead now.
I've been dead. What about it?
You have lost to Gordon Freeman thus automatically lost to me.
Thanks to EC for making this possible.