Dragon Ball Online Oficial Story thread.

βœ”οΈ HL Verified
πŸš‚ Steam Linked
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Aug 19, 2006
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Recently DBO Strategy Guide book been released in Korea:

This guide consist 7 parts:

Chapter 1 Chronicle
Chapter 2 System
Chapter 3 Character
Chapter 4 World
Chapter 5 Quest
Chapter 6 Item
Chatper 7 Monster

Scans of Chapter 1 been released in Internet & it's been translated to english. Chapter 1 consist 12 pages and so far 10 were translated. 11 and 12 page are on the way.

Here is partialy translation of calendar in chronological order by Citrinate, friend from DBOCOM forums:

The parts that are in Korean are the parts that I just couldn't figure out.



Mr. Satan wins 29th World Martial Arts Tournament. Buu comes in 2nd.



Mr. Satan wins 30th World Martial Arts Tournament. Buu comes in 2nd.

Buu creates a female companion.



Buu and his wife "hug" to create their first child.



Mr. Satan retires from fighting.

Mr. Satan starts a martial arts school.



Pan becomes an instructor in Mr. Satan's school.



Mr Satan's film "Satan Legend" is released.



Goku goes missing.

The bulleted text goes on to say that Vegeta joined him. They knew that their deaths were near so they left Earth to have one final fight. I'm not 100% sure that's what it says, but that's what it seems to say. The text for the bullet is below:

μžμ‹ μ˜ μž„μ’…μ„ 깨달은 μ˜€κ³΅μ€. λ§ˆμ§€λ§‰μœΌλ‘œ 맀듭을 짓기 μœ„ν•΄ 베지터와 ν•¨κ»˜ μ§€κ΅¬μ—μ„œ 사라진닀. μˆ˜λ…„ ν›„. μ΄ˆμ‹ μ„± 폭발이 ν™•μΈλ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. 이것은 μ†μ˜€κ³΅κ³Ό λ² μ§€ν„°μ˜ μ‹Έμ›€μ˜ 영ν–₯일지도 λͺ¨λ₯Έλ‹€.



Gohan starts research on his book "Groundbreaking Science".



Trunks and Goten start up a school which teaches the Swordmaster class skills.



Mr. Satan dies.

프리더ꡰ μž”λ‹Ήμ΄ 지ꡬ에 λ‚΄μŠ΅, 지ꡬ인에 λŒ€ν•œ ꡰ주의 볼슀λ₯Ό 이유둜 지ꡬ 침릭을 μ„ μ–Έ. κ°μ§€μ—μ„œ 파괴 할동을 λ²Œμ΄λŠ” 사건이 λ°œμƒν•œλ‹€.

The above has something to do with the remnants of Freiza's army invading Earth.

포동이 νƒ€μž…μ˜ μš°μ£ΌμΈμ— μ˜ν•΄ ꢁ지에 빠진닀.

μ„œν­ λ„μ‹œμ˜ 캑슐 λ„μ‹œν™”

μ§€κ΅¬μ˜ μœ„κΈ° μ•žμ—, 과거의 μš©μ‚¬λ“ˆμ΄ 거뢁선인이 μžˆλŠ” 곳에 λͺ¨μ—¬ 프리더ꡰ μž”λ‹Ήμ˜¬ 격파



Krillian begins teaching the skills of the Turtle Hermit.

Tien begins teaching the skills of the Crane Hermit.



The theme park "Buu World" opens. Most of its employees are Majin.



Yajirobe begins cultivating at the base of Korin's Tower.



마인 λ§ˆλ‹ˆλ§ˆλ‹ˆκ°€ 프기더ꡰ μž”λ‹ΉμœΌλ‘œλΆ€ν„° μ‚¬λž‘λ“€μ„ 지킀고 μ „μ‚¬ν•œλ‹€. 그의 죽읍이 λ§Žμ€ λ§ˆμΈν‹€μ—κ²Œ 큰 μ˜νžμ„ μ€€λ‹€.

마인 λ§ˆλ‹ˆλ§ˆλ‹ˆμ˜ 삻에 양항을 받은 λ§ˆμΈν‹€μ΄ 세계 κ°μ§€μ—μ„œ νš”μ•½. 마인의 μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ 직업 'μ–Όν‹°λ§ˆ'. '그랸마'. 'μΉ΄λ₯΄λ§ˆ'의 μ„ μ‘°κ°€ λœλ‹€.

These seem to be talking about the forming of the Majin classes.



Mira's troops destroy planet Namek. Namekians migrate to Earth.



The Namekians on Earth reform the land to make it look more like the Planet Namek. The Namekian classes in the game are developed.



100 year anniversary of the Majin Race.



Buu World's 100 year anniversary.

지ꡬ에 μž λ³΅ν•˜κ³  있던 프리더ꡰ μž”λ‹Ήμ΄ λΆ€μš°λΉ„ μ•„μΌλžœλ“œλ₯Ό μ€‘μ‹¬μœΌλ‘œ μ„Έλ ₯을 ν•™λŒ€ν•œλ‹€.



Memorial Ceremony for 100 year anniversary of Mr. Satan's death.



Evil Namekians begin to spawn eggs.



100 Year anniversary of Namekian arrival on Earth.



Capsule Corporation history museum opens.



Conflict with the evil Namekians begins as their numbers grow.



μ–΄λ¦° μ‹œν—, ν•œλ•Œ λΆ€λͺ¨ μŠ¬ν•˜μ—μ„œ λ²—μ–΄λ‚˜ μžμ—° μ†μ—μ„œ μƒν™œν•˜λŠ” "개ꡬ쟁이 ꡐ윑"이 λ‚˜λΌμ˜ 방칭으둜 μ±„νƒλœλ‹€. "μƒˆμ‹Ή λ§ˆμ„". "베에 λΉŒλ¦¬μ§€"κ°€ μ„€λ¦½λœλ‹€.



Wildlife monsters begin to emerge.

Popo stones are constructed all over the Earth.

Emperor Pilaf is again determined to conquer the Earth.

200 year anniversary of the Majin Race.



Red Pants army emerges



쇼와 λ‘ , 캑슐 μ½”νΌλ ˆμ΄μ…˜μ„ λ°°λ°˜ν•˜κ³  νŒŒμ—λ¦¬μ•„μ˜ λΆ€ν•˜κ°€ λœλ‹€.



Mira invades the Earth.

Piccolo and Dende gather forces to fend off Mira's invasion.



The Time Patrol arrives to inform of the time crisis the universe faces.

Piccolo investigates the presence of the evil forces (Red Pants, Pilaf, and Mira's Army) on Earth.

ν”Όμ½œλ‘œκ°€ 쑰사λ₯Ό ν•˜κ³  톨아와 미라가 지ꡬλ₯Ό μœ„ν˜ν•˜κ³  μžˆμŒμ„ 텐데 μΌν–‰μ—κ²Œ λ³΄κ³ ν•œλ‹€. ν‰μ‹œμ— ν˜„μž¬ μ§€κ΅¬μ—λŠ” 이 μœ„ν˜‘μ— λŒ€ν•­μ•Œ λ§Œν•œ 전사 κ°€ μ‘΄μž¬ν•˜μ§€ μ•ŠμŒμ„ κΉ¨λ‹«λŠ”λ‹€.

지ꡬ인 μ¦μ—μ„œ ꡬ세주가 λ‚˜νƒ€λ‚  것을 바라며. 덴데가 λ“œλž˜κ³€λ³Όμ„ λΆ€ν• μ‹œν‚¨λ‹€.

This one and the one for Age 1000 may be talking about the player character.



'μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ 전사'라고 λΆˆλ¦¬λŠ” 인간. λ‚˜μ—ν¬, 마인의 μ„Έμ’…μ‘±μ˜ μˆ˜ν–‰μžν‹€μ΄ 많이 μ‘΄μž¬ν•˜λ©°, 지ꡬλ₯Ό μ—„μŠ΅ν•˜λŠ” μ—¬λŸ¬ 가지 μœ„κΈ°μ— λŒ€μ²˜ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•΄μ„œ μˆ˜ν–‰ 및λͺ¨ν—˜μ„ κ²¨μ†ν•˜κ³  μžˆλ‹€.

Here is much more readable version in story form, translated by Suzaku alias Amaranth Sparrow from Daizex

The Next Generation of Champions (Age 774 ~ Age 1000)

Peace on Earth - Age 774

The greatest threat to the universe, Majin Boo, had been defeated by Goku and his allies. Earth was visited by a period of peace.
Inspired by movies about Mr. Satan, the Savior of the Earth (?), people all over the world became interested in martial arts.
The year's Tenkaichi Budokai was shaping up to be a big event.
A peaceful battle in a peaceful world...
The more time went by, the less people remembered about the heroic battles of the past. A figure was watching over them from the start. It was Kami-sama Dende.

"In this age, maybe we won't need them..."

To prevent more meaningless fighting on Earth, Dende sealed away the Dragon Balls.

"I hope this world remains peaceful. Forever and ever..."

Birth of the Majin Race - Age 774

When the battle between Majin Boo and Goku came to an end, the good Majin Boo, "Mr. Boo", remained on Earth.
Thanks to Shenlong, the memories of the evil Majin Boo were erased from the populace and he was able to live peacefully with Mr. Satan.
Mr. Boo gradually became accustomed to life on Earth, and Mr. Satan invited him to compete in the Tenkaichi Budokai.
With his overwhelming power he made it through the qualifiers, all the way to the finals, where he lost to Mr. Satan...
Repeating this time and again, he helped Mr. Satan, the self-styled "World Champ", maintain his dignity. Each time, he advanced to the finals with his childish innocence and overwhelming strength. The strange charm of Mr. Boo drew the people's attention, and Mr. Boo soon found himself gaining worldwide fame.
Mr. Boo had always been extremely curious. Because of his amazing absorbing powers, he was able to remember any technique after seeing it just once. He began to understand more and more about Earth's culture and the form and function of humans with each new experience.
By the time a year had passed, Mr. Boo had changed.
Whenever he saw Earthlings in acts of passionate romance, or photographs of happy families, he felt something special in his heart.
At the time, Mr. Boo had become known as Mr. Satan's honored rival, and thanks to his innocent personality had become extremely popular, especially with young women.
Even so, Mr. Boo's heart was still not satisifed. He had reached puberty...

"Yes, I want to make hot love!" he declared.

Of course, Mr. Boo had no idea what hot love was. So, he set out to find a book in Mr. Satan's library.
He found it hidden away in the naughty gentlemen's section, a best-selling masterpiece of erotic literature. It was called "Bob and Margaret's Forbidden Games."

"Mmm, that tickles. No, don't. She'll be back soon," said Margaret. Bob forced himself...

"Bob and Margaret's Forbidden Games" had been Kame Sennin's favorite book. Even though Mr. Boo didn't know what any of it meant, he couldn't put it down. He gradually read more and more. Words couldn't express this warm, fuzzy feeling.
Then he finished the last page. His heightened emotions had finally reached their peak.

"Oooh! I want to love!" he roared.

Steam erupted intensely from the holes in his head.
And from the clouds of steam rising over Boo's head materialized another living creature!
It was the ideal girlfriend that he had invisioned.
"Bob and Margaret's Forbidden Games" had awakened his strong desire for companionship and Mr. Boo had created her with the resulting Love-Love Power. Another distinct being had sprung from Mr. Boo...
That is to say, once in the past Majin Boo had divided into an innocent Boo and a Boo that was pure evil. This time, he had been divided into a male Boo and a female Boo.

"Wow~! My girlfriend-!"

"I want to love you to! Thank you!"

A female Boo born from Mister Boo's obsession with women. Of course, Boo was a good guy. Their marriage was a joyous celebration and the two became a wonderful couple.
Some time later, they decided they wanted a baby, just like in human families. They turned to their hot love guide. Once again, they read the classic book, "Bob and Margaret's Forbidden Games."

"Hey, see, when they rub together, a baby pops out!"

"Yeah, if I rub like this... and you..."

Boo and his lovely wife rubbed together, mushing various body parts together and rolling them into doughy balls.

"Now, we can use our Love-Love Power to make our baby-!"


Intense light poured out of the two Boos! And then the many Boo balls were transformed and took the shape of baby Boos.
They clumsily held hands and fiddled around, concluding their Love-Love.
Thus the "Majin" race was born on Earth. Their children lead to another generation and so on, each time increasing the population of the Majin race.
With it, Boo's overwhelming power dispersed and gradually grew weaker. The potential for great strength is said to remain within the bloodline, but its limits are unknown.

Saiyan Blood - Son Goku and Vegeta

There had been only two survivors of the Saiyan homeworld. As their descendants continued from one generation to the next, their Saiyan blood slowly spread through the Earthlings, fading little by little.
Most people knew nothing about the exploits of Son Goku and Vegeta. Mr. Satan was everyone's savior, everywhere. As time went on, more and more generations overlapped one another. Awareness of the Saiyan race nearly disappeared.
However, as Gohan, Goten, and Trunks had shown, when the Saiyan race mixed with another, it had the potential to bring forth even greater power.
The Saiyans also grew stronger with each near-death experience they survived. However, with the world as peaceful as it currently was, such opportunities were rare.
However, if for some reason a situation arose in which they had to repeatedly face powerful enemies in fierce battles...
No pure-blooded Saiyans remain in the universe, but a day may come when the potential of the Saiyan blood lying dormant in Earthlings will awaken, and their immeasurable power will once again manifest.

Namekian Warning - Age 762

When Freeza destroyed the Namekian's planet, they temporarily took refuge on Earth. A year later, the migrated to New Namek.
They forged a new way of life on their new world. They planted ajissa trees and built houses. They didn't consume more than they needed. Before long, the environment had become like that of the old Namek.
However, after nearly 100 years had passed, in Age 851, an incident occured on New Namek. From the void of space there was a sudden flash. An army comprised of countless troops suddenly appeared. It was group of artificial humans, like those who had once laid waste to Earth in the distant past. They began indiscriminately attacking Namekian villages.

"Why!? What's an army of guys like this... How in the world could they possibly exist...?"

The Namekians were frightened and bewildered.
Elsewhere, the man leading the army issued a demand to a group of Namekian elders.

"We only want one thing. Give Miira your Dragon Balls!"
"Miira...? No way..."

His name was Miira. Realizing something, the elders refused the demands. The Namekian warriors put up a desperate resistance.
However, the difference in their power levels was too great. Before the might of the one calling himself Miira, their attacks were useless.

"You are not willing to grant me this offering. Well then, I suppose I have no choice but to destroy this planet..."

Saying that, the man lifted his hands toward the sky.
The enemy forces began continuously sending energy to his outstretched hands. The energy slowly gathered above the head of the man who had condemmned them, forming a great mass.

"Disappear, Namekians!"

The man hurled it from his hands... an oversized Genki Dama!
New Namek was enveloped in a great flash as it exploded.
One hundred years of history forged in this new land by the Namekians. Gone in an instant.

(story continues on page 10...)

It's pretty interesing read. It's proably closest sequel to manga as we can get, considering that Akira Toriyama supervise game (which was confrimed by himself in message to the players). Discuss.

If you have any question ask, I will try answer if I can.
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πŸ’» Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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After reading it I realized that Toriyama actually made Majin a race. I guess that's cool.
βœ”οΈ HL Verified
πŸš‚ Steam Linked
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Aug 19, 2006
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Yeah majins are cool. I'm planning use one myself (maybe).

Part about Goku and Vegeta duel made me interesed. I really would like to see it animated (man can dream...). If you are interesed I can provide more story that is happening in game (the one I posted is more like prologue, an explanation what's happenned between end of DBZ, & 1000 year when game is start).
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βœ”οΈ HL Verified
πŸ’» Oldtimer
Mar 13, 2005
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I was fine with my swordsman.

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