Do YOU Belive in Ghosts?

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Jan 9, 2003
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I believe in ghosts and miscelanious spirits due to prior experiences with seeing one or more. I didn't believe in them before I had the experiences but I do now.
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Oct 2, 2002
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I myself, with great reluctancy I might add, have actually done this I believe (if memory serves). Why I did it is well beyond me, considering I heard that a young girl would appear next to you in the mirror and kill you (mind you I did it in broad daylight and I did it 4 times but I only spun around 3 times each time). Due to past experiences I am now scared of walking past a mirror at night without a light on which is rather hard for me considering there is one in every third room.
lol, I had a rather apathetic and "fearless" friend who did it one night, except the bathroom light was on and the rest of us were standing right outside the door (which was open). Nothing happened. Then I told him to do it right (close the door, bring in a flashlight, block the window, flick the light off.) He wouldn't do it.

There are tons of different stories and versions about it (the methods, what she looks like and what she does), which is why most people are so skeptical when it comes to it. Some even say you don't need to do the ritual. If you peer long enough into any unlit mirror at night, she'll come to you. After I heard about the story and looked into it a bit (I was sort of in a "ghost mode" from playing Fatal Frame 2) my paranoid imagination started acting up. I was just like you. I practically RAN past any mirror in my house.

Actually, with all of this discussion, I'm thinking about the crap too much and I'm starting to get all paranoid again. Damnit. An it's all so interesting too.
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May 7, 2003
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dReAm KiLlEr said:
What's "it" That's kind of sad lol. How did he waste his life?
It was a car accident..and I don't feeling like saying anymore about that or ill get emotional :(
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Mar 20, 2004
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Hellx said:
I believe in ghosts, kinda, maybe....

Theres one in my house, I was talking to my mom around like, 1am, and she told me that everyone that came to our house basically "felt" this woman's presence, in various places in the house, and, I have too o_O.
But, my mom told me that this wasn't an "angry" spirit, so to speak, but a mother that stays at the house and "protects" the family of the house, as if it were her own.
I'm cool with that, I guess :eek:

Two incidents have occured in my house, other then the "feeling" of it, and those were :
!) My dad woke up in the middle of the night, and saw someone staring at both of my mom and dad at the end of the bed, just staring, then dissappeared.
2) This happened to me, and it freaked me out >_< I was sleeping, having my arm inbetween two pillows sleeping on my side, I had my hand sticking out of the two pillows, and some time later (I presume I was asleep and dreaming, but somehow I visualised it all, or maybe I'm bs'ing and it was all a dream, whatever) some ethereal hand (just a hand, no arm, no body) grabbed my hand.
I felt this hand, and immediatley woke up, feeling a cold chill throughout my body...After that I just layed down with my eyes closed and hoped I went to sleep >_<

Perhaps she was shaking my hand to say welcome? :eek:
That is so awesome. I wish I had like a motherly ghost, or a friend ghost, or just a simple kick ass cool ghost in my house. How awesome would that be? Your friends are coming over and youre like "Meet Bob" and they start laughing at you for having an imaginary friend and then something moves across the room or something... having a ghost as a friend would totally and utterly kick ass.
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Jul 7, 2004
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every1 would like that, but i geuss that couldnt be true....
well not as a friend where you play games with etc
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Mar 20, 2004
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i dont mean as a friend to play games with, i mean someone to talk too... imagine all the stories he/she would have, imagine the possibilities.

Heh, personally, everytime I think theres a ghost in the room I start talking to it. One time my mom thought I was crazy, but hey, you never know.
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Oct 2, 2002
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Personally, I would hate having a ghost living in my house, friendly or otherwise. The idea of somebody possibly watching me beat the meat (even if they're undead) is disturbing.
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May 13, 2003
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The idea of you beating the meat is disturbing. :\
Sep 29, 2002
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Damn this thread has started to get my imagination working *looks around*

@Hitokiri : The "looking into a dark mirror" thing. It's just the same as expecting something to happen in the dark, your mind plays tricks where it cannot see/fully understand what's going on.

Most of the time there are logical explinations for what triggered your mind into seeing what you did.
But when you hear stories of others, or even groups of people all experiencing the same thing....that's when i think it becomes believable.
Hearing people's experiences with ghosts has always got me really intrested, especially coming from people who i know don't b/s to me. But really i hope i don't ever experience it for myself. For sleeps sake o_O

Maybe for those of you who have encountered a little of the odd could answer the following :

Did you find the place errie before you saw?
Was you sleeping or trying to sleep?
Was you drinking?
Was you on drugs?
Have you been playing video games such as doom 3 recently?
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May 14, 2003
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I've only had 2 experiences that I remember, but it only makes me a semi-believer.

One was about at 3 in the morning. I was alone because my mom and stepdad went to Georgia to visit my mother's parents because she was sick. I was just about to go asleep and my door went loose. The handle just shook like crazy but the door never opened. I didn't move for 5 minutes under the cover, when I finally got the courage to get up I ran, locked the door, and turned on the lights. I also got my bat out of the closet. That was probably the scariest moment in my life.

Another was when I was sitting in the living room, getting ready to go to sleep. I turned and looked down the hallway and saw a blackish cat thing jump towards me. I turned my head and closed my eyes, turned around, and nothing was there. Spooked me some.
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Mar 20, 2004
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First experience - Moms bedroom
Did you find the place errie before you saw? - Nope, I was with my bro and sis and we were just watching tv.
Was you sleeping or trying to sleep? - Nope.
Was you drinking? - Nope.
Was you on drugs? - Nope.
Have you been playing video games such as doom 3 recently? - This was a while ago, and I dont remember seeing or playing anything 'scary' at the time.

Second experience - Cold spot in shower/legs getting pulled down
No to everything. Besides, this happens 100%, no way its my mind playing tricks on me. I dont even think of the subject when I turn around to get whatever and theres a cold spot right there behind me. I would understand if there was any place for the cold to get there, but there simply isnt - Its a small bathroom, no windows, the door is completely shut, and the shower-curtain is pulled over all the way (and its a thick one as well). Also its just a certain spot each time, sometimes it isnt even in the shower its outside, usually infront of the sink. The feeling of my legs getting pulled down? Well, again, no to all of your questions. This only happens in the bathroom, and I seriously feel as if a hand is around my leg pulling it down. Its actually getting stronger bit by bit, but I usually try to get out of the bath as soon as I can. Im not taking any chances :p

Experience Three - Lamp turning on/off by itself
Well, sometimes Im trying to get some sleep and sometimes Im not. Everything else, nope. At times when this happens I say outloud "Please stop playing with my lamp." At times it stops exactly when I say that, at times it continues on.

The weirdest bit about my experiences is that I live in a NYC apt. Seems kind of a weird place for a ghost to haunt, if theres a ghost here at all, but I try not to think about it too much; eventually it creeps me out and then I cant do anything.
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Jul 15, 2002
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hmmm thats a hard question ill say yes to 99% and no 1% never be 100% becuse most of the time u r wrong

but i believe in werewolfs tho
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Oct 29, 2003
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yaeh don't forget the fairies and midgets....

hmmm again, all this experiences are perfectly explained (and yes I belive you too,not gonna ***** bout how you "imagened" it) if you were me you'll understand
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Oct 2, 2002
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Did you find the place errie before you saw?
Was you sleeping or trying to sleep?
Was you drinking?
Was you on drugs?
Have you been playing video games such as doom 3 recently?
I'd say these are valid questions. Often they can disprove a lot of the completely bogus "ghost sightings" that people come in with. I was on the Fatal Frame boards for a while and a lot of people's scary experiences started off with "So I was just playing Fatal Frame/Silent Hill/watching The Ring" etc., those are probobly 99% illusory sightings. Drinking and drugs, that's obvious too, but generally you disregard these things if you're high on shrooms..

As for sleeping and trying to sleep, yeah I've found that a huge number of recorded ghostly experiences occur right before you wake up or otherwise in the middle of the night. Then again, judging from the "nature" of these supposed apparitions, it isn't exactly common for them to greet you on the street or something.

It could be headgames, but if you look there are a -lot- of recorded experiences that happen when people are perfectly concious, sometimes completely unexpecting, and then of course unseen coincidences stack up. Sightings of something in a building in which, you find out a day later, a brutal murder took place. Sonic has a good experience, he should share :p
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Jun 17, 2003
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Guess..if you believe in are stupid. There are no such things are ghosts. It's racoons, rats, and the wind makes it feel/sound scary. If you still don't believe me, sleep outside with a blanket, you will see... :D


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Dec 10, 2003
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It is only human nature to be afraid of things we can't explain/understand. But like I say,if you get nutted by your hot azn girlfriend
Nutter Butter said:
you are stupid
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Dec 1, 2001
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[S] said:
It is only human nature to be afraid of things we can't explain/understand. But like I say,if you get nutted by your hot azn girlfriend
That may have been provoked, but unnecessary. Unknown//, you have no right to come in here and call everyone who has different beliefs than you "stupid."

, Unknown// may have been asking for it by calling us stupid, but doesn't mean you can go ahead and dish it out.

Keep it clean guys, next time it'll be warnings.
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Nov 24, 2001
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I believe in heaven and hell, but I also believe that the soul is a humans concious. When the brain fails to function the soul is released from the body and goes to heaven or hell unless somthing holds it to our world, like wanting to protect a sibiling. This is how I find a way to explain Out of Body experiences that people in Near Death situations claim they have.
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★ Black Lounger ★
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Jul 14, 2002
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This isn't a heaven or hell discussion just to let you know -_-
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Jun 17, 2003
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Well, stick to your beliefs, but there is not a such thing as a ghost! It's all in your imagination, or maybe you watched too many scary movies, and believe in them. o_O

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