Controlling Adrenaline

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Nov 24, 2001
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Can someone who knows please give me some tips on how to control my adrenaline cus at school i probably have say 6 fights each year and before every fight i shake like hell which is obviousley my adrenaline.

Can someone show me how to stop shaking and how to make good use of my adrenaline.

Thx manz
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Feb 2, 2002
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...well basically adrenaline is released into the body whenever such an occasion happens...and what controls everything in the body? The brain, of course. So technically all you have to do is just stay focused and calm about it and you shouldn't have a problem...
Lost in space
Dec 4, 2001
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shake as in shake hands?
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Nov 26, 2001
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What u have is not adrenaline. U and I are some of the lucky ones.

It is known as Rage. when u get so mad u can't control it. Some people can imitate it, but ur speed and ur strength sky rocket. The down side is that of course, ur accuracy plummets.

To be honest the first time I became enraged was in a badminton game. As u progress, u will learn how to control it and how to use it when u want to, but for the first year about u will not have control. It is fun to scare ur friends with, I am now thought to be crazy at skool.

But when u use it, be careful. It can give u a VERY big headache when u are done.
Nov 26, 2001
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While adrenaline has something to do with your shakes, its more of an ingrown instinct that all organisms have.

Its called "fight or flight"
Basically, when a human or any other animal is under duress, such as a potential fight in this case, their natural defenses kick in..stomach stops producing acid, pupils dialate, hearing increases slightly...and adrenaline courses through your veins.

Kinda pumps you up...getting you ready to run like hell.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it's probably a combination of natural nervousness when it comes to confrontation and natural defense mechanisms.

I doubt that you can ever control it, most people get all shaky when something like a fight is about to happen.
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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
I agree with Chimpbot. Your shakes are adrenaline and nervous impulse. Fight or Flight releases adrenaline into your bloodstream.

However, adrenaline is released on your perception of the enviroment and the dangers within. You could control adrenal levels by being more confident going into the fight thusly lowering your minds perception of danger. Don't think you can win, know it. I know that sounds simplified, but it's true. Controlled breathing also steadies the body. I used to compete, so trust me, I know about the shakes and the benefits of confidence and discipline. Koblano, your rage is just confidence overriding the perception of the brain, and taking advantage of FoF.
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Nov 26, 2001
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What is FoF??? I just labelled it Rage for fun but I haven't been in a fight yet. I am a relatively small guy and don't do Karate or anything. I am just crazy. I will not back down and actually have a few guys scared. Y? Because I hate it when people try to bully me, and have been asked by teachers to calm down.

English class, a guy grabbed my friend by the neck. He was MUCH larger than me, maybe 100 or so pounds. But I got so mad I grabbed him and threw him into some desks. After that ( i was on good terms with the teacher, #1 rules when u are gonna do something like that) The teacher sent him to the office and laughed at me.
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Feb 2, 2002
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...why do i find that somewhat hard to believe o_O
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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i dont shake cause i am the toughest person at school

once this new kid (pritty big and id say about 50-70 pounds bigger than me) thought he was stronger than me so he started trying to fight me (course he was big and slow so i dodged all his blow) he was getting so ****ed off and said "quit fuc|(ing off and fight me!!" i was just like
so i punched him once in the stomach and he was all like :cry:
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Nov 26, 2001
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I am bein honest about the story. I don't lie. He was a big guy, about 2 grades higher than me. And he got me mad. Lot's of teachers now don't let me sit in groups of people, because they lnow I am claustrop***bic and I go crazy when I can't breathe.

I got a penalty in hockey the other day for punching a kid in the head. Funny thing is I am a goalie.

But anyways, yeah Rage does get controllable, but it is hard. I still have problems with it. I am not a Rage Guru yet (i love making up these words)


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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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Ueah I shake too, it happens when ur going from normal to something u need to use ur muscles for. It's like a way for ur body to prepare urself to get into a fight, what should give u an advantage. and once u are actually in to a fight, make sure the shaking stopped first coz that can b really irritating. I think that u get stronger too btw. BUT dont EVER try to push it on ur head, if u have a headache after u shake that is not good. When I was little I tried to control my shaking by making lots op pressure (or however u say that in good englisch( on my head. When u do that, u'll get control over the shaking but it's very bad for ur body.

Greetz Naz
New Member
Feb 2, 2002
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haha i love these stories
yet it always occurs to me that they're always fighting someone much BIGGER than they are and still manage to win...hmmm interesting ;/
New Member
Nov 26, 2001
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I never fought. Like I said I don't fight. I just got mad, grabbed him and threw him. I don't know if I wanted to figh,t. He was just picking on my friend.
Nov 24, 2001
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you guys are watching way too much DBZ ;) adrenaline makes you shake, end of story. i just had it once when i wasn't in danger, i was very mad at a family member of mine. someone had arguement with my mother, so i got very mad when i heard about it. i shook allover the place. and my eyes were turning red cause of veins snapping. you can't believe how ****ed you can get when someone is making your mother cry.
Nov 24, 2001
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ow yeah BTW, why would you wanna control your adrenaline?? it's a great amplifies all sences, you hear and see better, your muscles can take more without you knowing it, that means you can run faster and hit harder. and cause of your sences improving your reaction time will be much faster. your body is going into something like "red alert" you stay focussed on everything that happends. except when you are mad, you should calm down then.
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Jan 13, 2002
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also, that adrenaline thing, it also makes you feel less pain. Way back, when I used to get teased, don't know why, but I would get seriously mad, and start shaking all over fist clenched, then I ran after him, he turned, punched me, my head was tilted back, then I just looked strait forward into his eyes, man he was so freaking scared after that. ALso, about going crazy when someone makes you're mother cry, I would kick that guys' ***, and badly. Tip, Kicking someone in the shin with force, is more powerful than punching someone in the stomach, I never was in any fights, I just know for self defense, but balls getting kicked is the worst, but hard to hit.

oh yeah here's my little story. This one girl that I guess loves me though she shows it through hate and pain, she threw a basketball in the side of my head, I just got up and told the gym teacher, that always gets the kids mad, but there was a HUGE pink mark on the whole side of my face. But I didn't feel anything. She leaves me alone because she'll know what I'll do if she does, as well as the other half of the school'll do to her, but still, it's your adrenaline going through you're body not getting mad, the adrenaline makes everything go at a much faster pace, digestion rate, even (who laughs at this is immature) peeing rate, and blood flow rate, everything, including senses.
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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Judge you say why would anyone wanna control your adrenaline.When i say i wanna control it i dont m,ean i dont want it i do want it but adrenaline has its goods and has its bads i mean adrenaline makes u punch harder (dont know about faster)
hear better sense things around and you wouldent believe how much faster you can run until u really got scared and ran believe me i know.

but also adrenaline rushes you it makes u do rash things , things u might regeret later on.

When i say i wanna control it i mean i want to control the shaking so i can fight better and for those of you saying the shaking is rage your wrong cus when i shake im not mad.
Ill tell you what the shakig is its FEAR i shake cus i am honestly scared that im gonna lose i dont care about losing a fight cus of gettin hurt the reason i dont like losin fights is cus of my looks im not faking now i am honestly alot like Vegeta.

I have his arrogance even though i dont notice it alot of people say im arrogant.
I definitely have the pride i always take care of my looks and would rather lose than get my friend to help me.
It would be a different thing if there was a gang of kids,but it was 1 on 1 id rather lose than my friend help me cus then i havent won that fight my friend has really.

Can someone gimme some tips on how to gain Endurance strength (Press Ups) and how to do high kicks for example the chest and head cus at the moment i am not flexible but am not stiff i can run 100m in 13 seconds jump a good height but cannot bend very good.

how can i improve my flexibility and why can i lift alot of weight without tiring very mucyh but only do 10 press ups and im absolutely F***ed
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💻 Oldtimer
Nov 24, 2001
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2 things

1. i won ez cause i have been taking martal arts almost my whole life and i also use ki

2. a good way i found to build up indurance and stamina is to do a small amount of kicks or push ups ever day (i.e. do 5 for one week then do 6 the next and work ur way up to how ever many u want to do)... i find this best because it doesnt put alot of strain on ur body and u would be surprized how much stamina u can build up in a short amount of time...
New Member
Nov 27, 2001
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Mirai USSJ, I know just what you mean. I'm ok in weights but just can't do push-ups for the life of me, I don't know why but my body just hates it and sometimes I slip outta pushups. :rolleyes: But I'm a MACHINE for sit-ups.

Thanks for the tips guys. I've never gotten into a fight and I'm going to do my best not to, understanding how easily people can get permanently damaged, but I really appreciate these "just in case" tips.
Nov 26, 2001
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Okay guys...stop your little p i s s ing contest. pumps into your body to help boost you SLIGHTLY..enough so you can either fight or run's usually pumped into your system during stressful times. It is NOT like ANYTHING that occured in don't think that it'll cause you to go super saiya-jin, guys.

There are too many stories of "small kids" fighting "big kids" and winning against impossible odds.
Sound a tv show that the majority of us like to watch?

Mirai..if you want to improve your endurace....just exercise some.
Run..get a kick bag and/or a speed bag.
Just use your muscles..get them used to being used like you want them to be.

Basically guys...stop trying to act tough to your internet buddies.
Go ahead and flame me if you want, but I've been around long enough to know when people are just trying to make themselves seem tough.

The person with true strength doesn't need to "strut their stuff".
They just show it when they need to.

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