Chrono Trigger Story

New Member
Jan 2, 2003
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I had got so bored I decided I would make the game of Chrono Trigger into a story. I have added some things, but other than that it's like playing the game.. but reading it. Crits?

As the morning had begun Crono's mom had come into the room. Cronocould slightly hear his mom walk on the wooden floor.

"Crono, wake up honey. Crono?"

Crono rolled over to face the wall. His mom walked toward the blinds and opened them to let in thein the bright sunlight, hoping it would bother Crono and wake him up.

"Leene's bell is a beautiful sight in the morning..."

Crono opened his eyes and stared at the wall, as he was trying to ajust his eyes to the brightness.

"Crono, wake up. Your going to be late for the Millenium Fair! Crono!"

Crono opened his eyes wide open, and the thoughts of the fair last year flashed through his mind of how fun it was. His mom started to walkdown stairs, with the cat following. Crono crawled out of bed and fell to the floor.

"Hurry Crono or your going to be late!"

Crono came to his feet and looked through the window to seeLeene'sBell. Crono turned and started to walk toward the stairs and looked at his bed, which was a complete mess. He had a puzzled look upon his face, and continued down the stairs.

"Crono you finally decided to wake up! Now go wash up and get ready for breakfast."

Crono had a depressed look upon his face. And shook his head no.

"Crono! Well.. you did miss last years fair. I guess i'll let you go. But I bet you need some money, don't you? Here Crono."

-Crono gained 200 G-

"Crono, be home before dark."

Then Crono ran out the door as fast as he could to the Fair.

"Crono! How nice to see you. Where are you off to in such a hurry?"


"Ah! I see. So I don't suppose you could help a poor ol' man with a problem could you?"

Crono crossed his arms and walked toward the man.

"What a good lad. I need you to fix my weather vane on my roof, if it's not to muchtrouble?"

So Crono grabed the ladder from the side of the house and began.

Later Crono had gotten down from the ladder and came inside.

"Crono! That was so fast. What a good lad, you mother should be proud. For all your trouble,here."

-Crono gained 150 G-

Crono walked off to the Fair waving to the old man as he headed off.
Lost in space
💻 Oldtimer
Mar 21, 2002
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Well, you just copied the game dialogue and put in discriptions of the actions. That's all your doing and you arn't adding anything else right? So I guess you did a good job...

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