Characters and stuff

New Member
Nov 9, 2004
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I just registerd today, found out about the game a couple days ago (which makes me sad i missed out on so much) and im not sure whats been discussed I dont want to catch up on ALL of the chat.

But some of my ideas are..

Get Brolly ASAP =) cause hes just vicious.
the blue super android from the movie would be cool too, (cant remember if hes 15 or what)

And an ability with goku, when your charging up the spirit bomb you can go ssj to do the ablility from the movie where he goes inside of the spirit bomb and it turns yellow. That would be a cool attack.

And if we could fly faster without having to dash, if there can be ki trails too, even if they are just small.

Ps Oh and you should be able to catch yourself from falling if you have a lot of nrg and it should make that cool emplode sound like in the show, and dust can kick up. thats all =)

Rapid Fire attack, not like the ki blast thing but like straight lines of rapid fire, that would be cool.

Other then that i LOVE the game, i dont know what you guys have planned for the future and if any of them consist of my ideas but you guys are making my dream come true. Now only if it was virtual reality...

New Member
💻 Oldtimer
Oct 4, 2004
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Since you're a n00b here I'll be kind =) Read the stickies before you post, and remember to search to see if your suggestions have been done before. I think all of these suggestions have been made in the past and they have all been rejected. Brolly is coming in as a model I think, but you can choose to have him Vegeta or Brolly. Goku will most likely not get ssj together with the spiritbomb, seeing as it is already very powerful. Catch yourself from falling? You mean straightening out your fall? Well that is implemented and can be done by holding space after someone throws/knocks you flying in the air.

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